#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -- Create the WP:FANMP page from the FA page
# Usage:
# 21 Sep 14 Created
use English;
use strict;
use utf8;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use Data::Dumper;
use File::Basename qw(dirname);
use File::Spec;
use MediaWiki::Bot;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
use XML::Simple;
binmode (STDERR, ':utf8');
binmode (STDOUT, ':utf8');
# Pages used
my $fa_page = "Wikipedia:Featured articles";
my $fanmp_page = "Wikipedia:Featured articles that haven't been on the Main Page";
my $editor = MediaWiki::Bot->new ({
assert => 'bot',
host => '',
protocol => 'https',
}) or die "new MediaWiki::Bot failed";
my $dirname = dirname (__FILE__, '.pl');
push @INC, $dirname;
require Cred;
my $cred = new Cred ();
my $log = $cred->log ();
sub allow_bots ($$;$) {
my($text, $user, $opt) = @ARG;
return 0 if $text =~ /{{[nN]obots}}/;
return 1 if $text =~ /{{[bB]ots}}/;
if ($text =~ /{{[bB]ots\s*\|\s*allow\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*}}/s){
return 1 if $1 eq 'all';
return 0 if $1 eq 'none';
my @bots = split(/\s*,\s*/, $1);
return (grep $ARG eq $user, @bots)?1:0;
if ($text =~ /{{[bB]ots\s*\|\s*deny\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*}}/s){
return 0 if $1 eq 'all';
return 1 if $1 eq 'none';
my @bots = split(/\s*,\s*/, $1);
return (grep $ARG eq $user, @bots)?0:1;
if (defined($opt) && $text =~ /{{[bB]ots\s*\|\s*optout\s*=\s*(.*?)\s*}}/s){
return 0 if $1 eq 'all';
my @opt = split(/\s*,\s*/, $1);
return (grep $ARG eq $opt, @opt)?0:1;
return 1;
sub error_exit ($) {
my @message = @ARG;
if ($editor->{error}->{code}) {
push @message, ' (', $editor->{error}->{code} , ') : ' , $editor->{error}->{details};
$cred->error (@message);
sub has_nested_text ($\$) {
my ($tag, $text) = @ARG;
# print "tag='$tag'\n";
my $has_nested_text = 0;
while ($$text =~ /{{$tag[^}]+({{[^}]+}})/) {
# print "Nested text!!!!\n";
my $nested_text = $1;
# print "nested text='$nested_text'\n";
my $transformed_text = $nested_text;
$transformed_text =~ s/{{(.+)}}/%%<$1>%%/;
# print "transformed text=$transformed_text\n";
$$text =~ s/\Q$nested_text\E/$transformed_text/;
$has_nested_text = 1;
return $has_nested_text;
sub reset_nested_text (\$) {
my ($text) = @ARG;
$$text =~ s/%%</{{/g;
$$text =~ s/>%%/}}/g;
sub todays_featured_article () {
my $date = strftime "%B %d, %Y", gmtime;
$date =~ s/ / /;
$date =~ s/0(\d,)/$1/;
my $template = "Template:TFA title/$date";
my $todays_page = $editor->get_text ($template) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$template')");
$cred->showtime ("Todays' page is $todays_page\n");
my $talk = "Talk:$todays_page";
my $date2 = strftime "%d %B %Y", gmtime;
$date2 =~ s/0(\d )/$1/;
my $text = $editor->get_text ($talk) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$talk')");
$cred->error ("no bots allowed on '$talk'") unless allow_bots ($text, $cred->user);
$text =~ s/{{Article\s*History/{{ArticleHistory/is;
my $has_nested_text = has_nested_text ('ArticleHistory', $text);
my ($articleHistory) = $text =~ /{{ArticleHistory(.+)}}/gis;
if ($articleHistory =~ /maindate(\d*)\s*=\s*0*($date|$date2)/) {
$cred->showtime ("\tmaindate$1 already updated manually\n");
} else {
my $id = '';
if ($articleHistory =~ /maindate/) {
for ($id = 2;; ++$id) {
if ($articleHistory =~ /maindate$id/) {
# print "\t\tfound maindate$id\n";
} else {
# print "\t\tno $id - going with that\n";
$cred->showtime ("\tupdating article history\n");
$text =~ s/({{ArticleHistory.+)}}/$1\n|maindate$id=$date2\n}}/is;
if ($has_nested_text) {
reset_nested_text ($text);
$editor->edit ({
page => $talk,
text => $text,
summary => "$todays_page is today's featured article",
bot => 1,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("unable to edit '$talk'");
return $todays_page;
$editor->login ({
username => $cred->user,
password => $cred->password
}) or die $editor->{error}->{code} . ': ' . $editor->{error}->{details};
# Update today's featured article
my $todays_page = todays_featured_article ();
# First, we need to get the FA page
my $fa_text = $editor->get_text ($fa_page) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$fa_page')");
$cred->error ("no bots allowed on '$fa_page'") unless allow_bots ($fa_text, $cred->user);
# Update today's masterpiece
my $update = 0;
if ($fa_text =~ /{{FA\/BeenOnMainPage\|'*\[\[\Q$todays_page\E\]\]'*/s) {
$cred->showtime ("\tBeenOnMainPage already updated manually\n");
} elsif ($fa_text =~ /{{FA\/BeenOnMainPage\|'*\[\[\Q$todays_page\E\|.+?\]\]'*/s) {
$cred->showtime ("\tBeenOnMainPage already updated manually\n");
} elsif ($fa_text =~ s/('*\[\[\Q$todays_page\E\]\]'*)/{{FA\/BeenOnMainPage|$1}}/s) {
$update = 1;
} elsif ($fa_text =~ s/('*\[\[\Q$todays_page\E\|.+?\]\]'*)/{{FA\/BeenOnMainPage|$1}}/s) {
$update = 1;
if ($update) {
$cred->showtime ("\tupdating $fa_page\n");
$editor->edit ({
page => $fa_page,
text => $fa_text,
summary => "$todays_page is today's featured article",
bot => 1,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("unable to edit '$fa_page'");
my @fanmp;
my @a = split /\n/, $fa_text;
foreach (@a) {
if (/^==/) {
push @fanmp, $ARG;
} elsif (/\[\[(File|Category):/) {
} elsif (/\* "*'*\[\[[^#].+\]\]'*"*/) {
push @fanmp, $ARG;
} elsif (/^"*'*\[\[[^#].+\]\]'*"*/) {
push @fanmp, "\* $ARG";
# Now we insert the counts
my $first = 1;
my $count = 0;
my $total = 0;
my @lines;
foreach my $line (@fanmp) {
if ($line =~ /^==/) {
if ($first) {
$first = 0;
} else {
if (0 == $count) {
push @lines, "* '''None'''";
push @lines, "<!-- $count -->";
$total += $count;
$count = 0;
} else {
# if (0 == $count) {
# $line =~ s/..//;
# }
push @lines, $line;
push @lines, "<!-- $count -->\n";
$total += $count;
# print "total = $total\n";
my $lines = join "\n", @lines;
# Then we need to get the FANMP page
my $fanmp_text = $editor->get_text ($fanmp_page) or
error_exit ("Unable to find '$fanmp_page')");
$cred->error ("no bots allowed on '$fanmp_page'") unless allow_bots ($fanmp_text, $cred->user);
$fanmp_text =~ s/==.+\|}/|}/s;
$fanmp_text =~ s/{{formatnum:\d+}}/{{formatnum:$total}}/;
$fanmp_text =~ s/\|}/$lines|}/;
# Update the FANMP page
$editor->edit ({
page => $fanmp_page,
text => $fanmp_text,
summary => "Updating $fanmp_page to remove $todays_page",
bot => 1,
minor => 0,
}) or
error_exit ("unable to edit $fanmp_page");
$cred->showtime ("done\n");
exit 0;