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User:Eyeless in Gaza/The McRap Project

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The McRap Project


User:McRap has passed on but the McRap vision lives on—and so does The McRap Project!.

McRap was formerly User:McCronion, User:McZeus, User:Amphitryoniades, User:Esseinrebusinanetamenfatearenecessest and User:Lucretius, not all at the same time but one after the other. This unum e pluribus entity is a mockery of social interactions between electronic signals. Almost all social interactions here at WP are between you at the keyboard and some electronic signals on your screen, a fact that we all somehow contrive to forget, with some very strange results. Gang wars between electronic signals often break out in this anonymous environment and sometimes individual signals get mugged. The McRap Project is partly an attempt to remind myself and others about these realities of online editing. It is partly an attempt to set a precedent: this is a new kind of gang.

Rapping is the rhythm of gang culture and it is the key note of this project, which comprises only one member or custodian at any one time.

An imaginary conversation

Lucretius: Large parts of Wikipedia are governed by social relations between anonymous user names, leading to some very strange articles. It's a lunatic asylum.
Esseinrebusinanetamenfatearenecessest: You're crazy if you trust a mere user name!
Amphitryoniades: Who are you calling crazy?
McZeus: He didn't mean you, Amphitryoniades! He was using "you" generally.
McCronion: I'm as sane as the next man.
McRap: Well I happen to be the next man and all you guys are just my own memories! Keep quiet!

Project banner


The logo below says in Greek: This coal bucket is my bro' fro' the 'hood' (more or less). It is from Aristophanes's play The Acharnians and no racial slur or pun is intended. The coal bucket has a human dimension, as seen through the eyes of both the hero and his antagonists. Articles also have a human dimension and that's why we tend to fight over them. The banner is to be pasted onto the talk pages of articles I am working on, but only while I am working there, just to let other editors/gangsters know that the McRap gang is in town. If other editors want to mess us around, we'll move on. Kool.

ὁ λάρκος δημότης ὅδʹ ἔστʹ ἐμός.

Project aims

  • helping articles needing further information and elucidation;
  • serving WP as the model of an alternative kind of project;
  • Wearing good faith like a fixed smile, scepticism like a gun.