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Pottery at Ifri Oudadane[edit]

Ifri Oudadane offers insight into the first pottery of northwest Africa. Pottery in the ENA sections of the rock shelter are of Cardium variety, using horizontal and vertical bands of various impressions. Pottery from this time period is narrow oval shaped with a pointed base. As the pottery begins to date more recently, there are two divisions during the ENB. The earlier subsection (7.1-6.9KYA) is characterized by a closed necked/straight rimmed and open neck/segmented rim pottery. The later subsection of the ENB (6.8-6.3KYA) are ovoid in nature with closed style with outward bending rims. Both assemblages of pottery from the ENB have decorated handles with various vertical and horizontal decoration. The pottery of the ENC occupation (6.6-6.3KYA) and the later neolithic period (≈5.7KYA) are fairly similar. They consist of closed ovoid forms only and have similar decorations, although a herringbone motif is found on early neolithic only.