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TAZ taxa list

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Taxon Reclassified taxon Taxon falsely reported as present Dubious taxon or junior synonym Ichnotaxon Ootaxon Morphotaxon
Uncertain or tentative taxa are in small text; crossed out taxa are discredited.


Amphibians of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Rhinesuchus[1] R. whaitsi Upper part of Tapinocephalus A-Z. A temnospondyl amphibian.
Rhinesuchoides R. tenuiceps


Actinopterygians of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Atherstonia A. scutata Tapinocephalus A-Z An actinopterygian fish.
Bethesdaichthys B. kitchingi Blourug farm, Victoria West. Tapinocephalus A-Z A preserved skull. An actinopterygian fish.
Blourugia[2] B. seeleyi Blourug farm, Victoria West. Tapinocephalus A-Z A partial skeleton. An actinopterygian fish.
Westlepis W. kempeni Blourug farm, Victoria West Tapinocephalus A-Z An actinopterygian fish.




Sauropsids of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Australothyris A. smithi Beukesplaas farm Upper part of Tapinocephalus A-Z A skull and portions of the rest of the skeleton A parareptile.
Bradysaurus B. baini Prince Albert, Leeu Gamka, Hottentotsrivier Farm, Leeurivier, Mynhardtskraal, Groot Kruidfortein, Zwarts Siding, Sutherland, and Knoffelfortein. Tapinocephalus A-Z A complete skull and separate lower jaw with a complete postcranial skeleton consisting of a complete shoulder girdle and pelvis, a complete vertebral column with few missing at the end of the caudal vertebrae. The right fore and hind limbs are complete. The left humerus, radius, ulna, femur, tibia, and fibula are partially preserved. A pareiasaur.
B. seeleyi A partial skeleton consists of a complete skull, lower jaw, partial vertebral column, some ribs, osteoderms, and parts of girdles.
Embrithosaurus E. schwarzi Hoogeveld farm. Tapinocephalus A-Z Distorted skull with the occluded lower jaw, vertebrae 1 to 27 with articulated osteoderms, two small articulated caudal vertebrae, partial left scapulocoracoid, cleithrum, left and right clavicle, and interclavicle, complete right humerus, partial left humerus, complete right radius, partial left radius, both ulnae complete, both femora complete, both tibia complete, right fibula, partial left fibula, complete pelvis, two digits of the forelimb and two digits of the hindlimb A pareiasaur.
Eunotosaurus E. africanus De bad farm, Prince Albert, Boesmanrivier and Rietfortien Upper Tapinocephalus A-Z and parts of Pristerognathus A-Z. Fossilized ribbones. An early relative of reptile.




Chainosaurs of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Galechirus G. scholtzl Victoria West Tapinocephalus A-Z. A partial skeleton An insectivorous anomodont.
Galeops G. jouberti Tapinocephalus A-Z
Galepus G. scholtzi Tapinocephalus A-Z
Dicynodonts of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Brachyprosopus B. broomi Beukesplaas Tapinocephalus A-Z A skull. A dicynodont.
Brachyprosopus broomi
Colobodectes [3] C. cluveri Keerom farm, Kruidfontein farm, Bastardsfontein farm, and Altringham farm. Eodicynodon and Tapinocephalus A-Z A skull lacking zygomatic arches and postorbital bars A dicynodont.
Diictodon D. feliceps Prince Albert. Tapinocephalus A-Z Several skeletal specimens. A pylaecephalid dicynodont. [[File:Diictodon EF.jpg|200px|thumb|center|Diictodon Feliceps
Emydops E. arctatus Beaufort West and Prince Albert. Either Tapinocephalus A-Z or Pristerognathus A-Z. A partial skull A dicynodont. [[File:Emydops skull.jpeg|200px|center|thumb| Emydops Arctatus]]
Eosimops E. newtoni Victoria West. Tapinocephalus A-Z. several skull specimens and one complete skeleton. A pylaecephalid dicynodont.
Eosimops newtoni
Robertia R. broomiana Klein Koedoeskop, Beaufort West. Lower part of the Tapinocephalus A-Z. Partial skull and postcranial skeleton. A small herbivorous dicynodont.
Robertia broomiana
Biarmosuchians of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Hipposaurus H. boonstrai Beaufort west and Riet Fontein Tapinocephalus A-Z A single skull. A hipposaurid therapsid.
H. brinki A preserved skull.
Impumlophantsi [4] I. boonstrai Palmietfontein portion (plot 57) of Kruidfontein farm, Prince Albert District Tapinocephalus A-Z The preorbital region of the skull and articulated lower jaw and a partial vertebral column and pelvis A Biarmosuchian.
Nierkoppia N. brucei Farm Stellenboschvlei Tapinocephalus A-Z. A relatively well-preserved fragment of skull roof, preserving the interorbital and inter-temporal regions and dorso-medial portion of the occiput. A proburnetiine burnetiamorph.
Anteosaurs of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Anteosaurus A. magnificus Beaufort West, Prince Albert, and Laingsburg Tapinocephalus A-Z. Several complete skulls, dentition, and partial postcranial skeleton. A large carnivorous anteosaur. framless
Australosyodon A. nyaphuli Prince Albert and Tuinkraal Eodicynodon A-Z. A skull and mandible with a preserved left side. A dinocephalian.
Styracocephalids of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Styracocephalus S. platyrhynchus Rietfontein, Prince Albert, and Boesmansrivier Tapinocephalus A-Z. Complete skull consists of jaws, palate, and dentition. A dinocephalian therapsid.
Tapinocephalians of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Criocephalosaurus C. vanderbyli Prince Albert Lower and Middle Tapinocephalus A-Z. A skull cap consists of the frontals, parietals, postfrontals, and one pre-frontal. A tapinocephalian therapsid.
Keratocephalus K. moloch Prince Albert, Leeu Gamka, and Buffelsvlei. Tapinocephalus A-Z. Variable skulls and postcrania. A tapinocephalian therapsid.
Mormosaurus M. seeleyi Gouph tract Tapinocephalus A-Z. A partial skull. A Tapinocephalian.
Moschops M. capensis De Cypher Farm and Hottentotsrivier. Tapinocephalus A-Z. Several skeletal specimens consist of skulls and postcranial skeletons. A subaquatic tapinocephalian.
M. koupensis
M. romeri
Phocosaurus P. megischion Boesmansrivier and Vers Fontein/Jan Willem Fontein. Tapinocephalus A-Z. A partial skull. A Tapinocephalian.
Tapinocaninus T. pamelae Modderdrift farm Eodicynodon A-Z. Paratypes consist of several skulls with few post-cranial skeletons. A Tapinocephalian.
Tapinocephalus T. atherstonei Boesmanshoek and Prince Albert Lower, Middle, and Upper part of the Tapinocephalus A-Z. A skull and postcranial elements. A giant herbivorous Tapinocephalian.
Struthiocephalus S. whaitsi Prince Albert Lower to Middle Tapinocephalus A-Z. A partial skull. A Tapinocephalian.
Titanosuchids of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Jonkeria J. boonstai Farm Uitkyk, Leeu-Gamka, Groot kruidfontein, Prince Albert, and Vers Fontein. Tapinocephalus A-Z. A skull and humerus. An omnivorous titanosuchid dinocephalian. Center
J. ingens A complete skull.
J. haughtoni A crushed skull.
J. koupensis A complete pelvis bone.
J. parva A femur, radius, small humerus, and tarsal.
J. rossouwi The holotype consists of postcranial skeletons.
J. truculenta A skull and partial skeleton.
J. vanderbyli A complete skull.
Titanosuchus[5] T. ferox Beaufort West, Prince Albert, Mynhardskraal, Veldmansrivier, and Lammerskraal. Tapinocephalus A-Z Fragmentary jaws and post-crania that include two left humeri, femur, and two phalanges. A carnivorous titanosuchid dinocephalian.
Gorgonopsians of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Aelurosaurus A. felinus Beaufort west. Tapinocephalus A-Z. A holotype preserved skull. A gorgonopsian.
A. whaitsi A holotype preserved skull.
Cerdodon C. tenuidens Beaufort west. Tapinocephalus A-Z. A holotype consists of a crushed skull. A gorgonopsid.
Eriphostoma E. microdon Prince Albert, Hottentotsrivier farm, and Mynhardtskraal. Tapinocephalus A-Z. Partial skull remains. A gorgonopsid formally named Galesuchus gracilis.
Phorcys P. dubei Delportsrivier Eodicynodon and Tapinocephalus A-Z. A partial skull from the occiput (the back face of the skull) up to the orbits, including the basicranium (the floor of the skull beneath the braincase), an eroded upper surface preserving the intact pre parietal and portions of the surrounding frontals and parietal bones, with a broken left zygomatic arch and a left palatine displaced into the left orbit, A gorgonopsid.
Therocephalians of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Alopecodon A. priscus Zeekoegat, Prince Albert. Tapinocephalus A-Z A crushed partial skull and lower jaws. A therocephalian.
Alopecognathus A. megalops Beaufort West and Prince Albert. Tapinocephalus A-Z. Skull specimens. A therocephalian.
Eutheriodon E. vandenheeveri Modderdrift, Prince Albert. Eodicynodon A-Z. A partial snout and lower jaws. A scylacosaurid therocephalian.
Glanosuchus G. macrops Gioflok’s Fontein, near Van der Byl’s Iird in the Gouph Eodicynodon A-Z. A holotype consists of a partial skull. A scylacosaurid therocephalian.
Hyaenasuchus H. whaitsi Rietfontein Tapinocephalus A-Z. A weathered skull. A therocephalian.
Ictidosaurus I. angusticeps Beaufort West Eodicynodon and Tapinocephalus A-Z. A holotype preserved skull. A scylacosaurid therocephalian.
Pardosuchus P. whaitsi Prince Albert Tapinocephalus A-Z. Holotypes consist of preserved skulls. A pristerognathinae therocephalian formally named Lycedops scholtzi.
Specimens of Pardosuchus
Specimens of Pardosuchus
Pristerognathus P. minor Beaufort West and Prince Albert. Pristerognathus A-Z. Multiple skull specimens. A therocephalian.
P. parvus
P. vanderbyli
P. vanwyki
Scymnosaurus S. ferox Prince Albert and Vers Fontein/Jan Willem Fortein Tapinocephalus A-Z. Partial skull consists of snout tip, dentition, and palate. A therocephalian therapsids.
Tamboeria T. maraisi Prince Albert and Tamboers Fontein. Tapinocephalus A-Z. A middle-sized carnivorous therocephalian
Trochosuchus T. acutus Rietfontein and Prince Albert. Tapinocephalus A-Z. A fossilized skull. A Lycosuchid therocephalian.
T. intermedius
T. major


Varanopids of the Abrahamskraal Formation
Taxa Species Locality Assemblage Zone Material Notes Images
Anningia [6] A. megalops Prince Albert The Middle of the Tapinocephalus A-Z. A partial skull. A varanopid synapsid.
Elliotsmithia E. longiceps Prince Albert Tapinocephalus A-Z. A holotype consists of a skull. A small varanopid synapsid.
Heleosaurus H. scholtzi Victoria West. Tapinocephalus A-Z. A preserved skeleton. A varanopid synapsid.
Microvaranops M. parentis Beukesplaas farm Tapinocephalus A-Z. A skeletal aggregation containing one grown and four immature individuals. A varanopid synapsid.
  1. ^ Marsicano, Claudia & Latimer, Elizabeth & Rubidge, Bruce & Smith, Roger. (2017). The Rhinesuchidae and early history of the Stereospondyli (Amphibia: Temnospondyli) at the end of the Palaeozoic. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 181. 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlw032.
  2. ^ Bender, P.A. (2005). A new deep-bodied Late Permian actinopterygian fish from the Beaufort Group, South Africa.
  3. ^ Bruce S. Rubidge, Michael O. Day, Julien Benoit, First record of the rare dicynodont Colobodectes from the southern Karoo Basin of South Africa has implications for middle Permian continental biostratigraphy, Journal of African Earth Sciences, Volume 208, 2023, 105097, ISSN 1464-343X, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2023.105097.
  4. ^ Matlhaga, Fonda R.; Benoit, Julien; Rubidge, Bruce S. (2024). "A new middle Permian burnetiamorph (Therapsida: Biarmosuchia) from the South African Karoo filling a gap in the biarmosuchian record". Palaeontologia Africana. 58: 28–36. hdl:10539/40426.
  5. ^ Boonstra, L. D., 1969, The fauna of the Tapinocephalus zone (Beaufort beds of the Karoo): Annals of the South African Museum, v. 56, part 1, p. 1-73.
  6. ^ Reisz, Robert & Dilkes, David. (1992). The taxonomic position of Anningia megalops, a small amniote from the Permian of South Africa. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 29. 1605-1608. 10.1139/e92-126. Anningia megalops Broom, 1927 is based upon a poorly preserved, incomplete skull and was interpreted originally as an intermediate form between therapsids and primitive nontherapsid synapsids (pelycosaurs). Restudy of the type specimen indicates that A. megalops is a nondiagnosable primitive synapsid and is, therefore, declared to be a nomen vanum.