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Edits to be made to the "Independent Women's Forum" Article

  • Look through paragraph on feminist views/opposition
  • Add information on views about health, mothering/family structure, and domestic violence (Major sections from Ronnee Schreiber's book read in class - great resource)[1]
  • Include more academic resources (look for more peer-reviewed journals on IWF)

Edits to be made to "Abstinence-only sex education"

  • Find more sources and add in citations in the introduction paragraph
  • History of abstinence-only sex education (how it came to be)
  • History of funding behind abstinence-only sex education
    • Where does funding come from?
    • Has funding been provided in the past? from who?
  • Politics involved in abstinence-only sex ed
    • Who supports and who does not?
  • Sections to add:
    • History
    • Funding
    • Politics
    • Clean up the "Society and Culture" section
      • paragraphs too dense, hard to follow
    • Add statistics to the effectiveness section? Valuable?

Edits to be made to "Comprehensive sex education"

  • Sections to add:
    • Description
    • Effectiveness
    • "Society and Culture"
  1. ^ Schreiber, Ronnee (2008). Righting Feminism: Conservative Women and American Politics. Oxford University Press.