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==My User Name==

Eris (The Goddess of Discord)

I chose Eris as my user name because of her significance in Greek mythology. Eris, was the goddess of discord. She is most readily known for her role in the Trojan War which she inadvertently instigated by tossing a golden apple among the gods with the label "for the fairest". The story says that Eris was the only goddess not invited to a major banquet (perhaps for her affinity with, um, discord) and decided to exact revenge. The three main goddesses Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite began to argue over who was the fairest and thus deserved the golden apple.

Zeus, spotting the obvious problem of picking between two tempermental women and his wife passed the duty onto Paris as the Judgement of Paris. Each goddess offered Paris a different reward for picking them. Paris chose Aphrodite's offer of the most beautiful women in the world, Helen. Anyways, the rest, as they say, is history. Greeks sacked Troy. War waged. History was made. Which leads me to my next point.

About Me


I have a penchant for truth and troublemaking. I love controversey (recording it usually) but even more I love the truth. That's why I'm here. I relentlessly pursue the truth underneath all the rhetoric and falsehood that permeates every aspect of our lives. I will always try to be at the center of conflicts uncovering the truth and exposing misinformation. I don't sow discord but I thrive on it.