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User:Erik2sen/Books/Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations

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Fifty Key Thinkers in International Relations


Wikipedia articles

International relations
International relations theory
Political realism
Power politics
Raymond Aron
E. H. Carr
What Is History?
Robert Gilpin
John H. Herz
Samuel P. Huntington
The Soldier and the State
Political Order in Changing Societies
The Third Wave of Democratization
Clash of Civilizations
Who Are We? The Challenges to America's National Identity
George F. Kennan
X Article
Stephen D. Krasner
Hans Morgenthau
Politics Among Nations
Kenneth Waltz
Theory of International Politics
Neorealism in international relations
Liberal international relations theory
Karl Deutsch
Michael W. Doyle
Francis Fukuyama
The End of History and the Last Man
Our Posthuman Future
America at the Crossroads
Ernst B. Haas
Stanley Hoffmann
Robert Keohane
Designing Social Inquiry
Richard Rosecrance
Constructivism in international relations
Friedrich Kratochwil
Nicholas Onuf
Christian Reus-Smit
John Ruggie
Alexander Wendt
Social Theory of International Politics
Critical Theory
Critical international relations theory
Robert Henry Cox
Andre Gunder Frank
Stephen Gill (political scientist)
Antonio Gramsci
Jürgen Habermas
The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere
Legitimation Crisis (book)
The Theory of Communicative Action
The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity
Between Facts and Norms
The Inclusion of the Other
A Berlin Republic
Old Europe, New Europe, Core Europe
Andrew Linklater
English School
English school of international relations theory
Hedley Bull
The Anarchical Society
Barry Buzan
Tim Dunne
John Vincent (historian)
Martin Wight
Post-modernism and international relations theory
David Campbell (academic)
Michel Foucault
Madness and Civilization
The Birth of the Clinic
The Order of Things
The Archaeology of Knowledge
Discipline and Punish
The History of Sexuality
Feminism in international relations
Jean Bethke Elshtain
Cynthia Enloe
J. Ann Tickner
International Political Theory/International Ethics
International Ethics
Charles Beitz
David Held
Terry Nardin
John Rawls
Justice as Fairness
Original position
Overlapping consensus
Public reason
A Theory of Justice
Political Liberalism
The Law of Peoples
Justice as Fairness: A Restatement
Michael Walzer
Just and Unjust Wars
Historical Sociology
Historical sociology
Anthony Giddens, Baron Giddens
Michael Mann (sociologist)
Justin Rosenberg
Charles Tilly
Immanuel Wallerstein