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Be bold on Wikipedia.[1]

Making bold text with the B icon

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Focus area: Native American use


Losey, R. (2007). Native American Vulnerability and Resiliency to Great Cascadia Earthquakes. Oregon Historical Quarterly, 108(2), 201-221. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/20615739

Losey, R. (2005). House Remains at the Netarts Sandspit Village, OregonJournal of Field Archaeology, 30(4), 401-417.

Losey, Yamada, & Largaespada. (2004). Late-Holocene Dungeness crab ( Cancer magister) harvest at an Oregon coast estuaryJournal of Archaeological Science, 31(11), 1603-1612.

Minor, R., & Grant, W. (1996). Earthquake-Induced Subsidence and Burial of Late Holocene Archaeological Sites, Northern Oregon CoastAmerican Antiquity,61(4), 772-781.


  1. ^ "Be Bold Guideline". Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. 2016-11-27.