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User:Erdi Bilgi

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Where Can You Reach Me?


Well technically you can't reach me from a site or from a social media site or something like that. I deleted all of my accounts. Because of school (I explained that in another content). Out of my email. Just email me. I'll probably answer it in a day. Because I literally have no accounts belongs to this email out of Wikipedia. So no distractions.

You can still find me on a social media but with no profile photo and no followings or followers. Good luck to you!

Why Am I In Here?


You probably know that the Turkish school system is... kind of... strange? Not really hard but strange. Also the school that I'm in is really tough and it's hard to be one of those favourites in here. So I began to surf in the internet even harder then before but I wasn't about to look out for information. I did that because I didn't really want to be those "oh here he comes, run away!" nerds. We were studying strangely much you know. I just wanted to be different. Before that I was a member of a history site that I left because of my school. Then I realised, my YouTube past was full of science and history videos. So I thought that can I share my ideas in any place that is... big. And well... here I am. First thing that came to my mind was Wikipedia and I joined in. Probably I won't write anything soon in this site but it's kind of a thing that you can be proud of. I've met a guy that wrote literally one sentence in here and he was stupidly proud of it. Then I said to myself "Wow I want that too". Yes, like a child. Anyways I am in here for some strange reasons and I'll hang around here for a long time...

About Me


I am a college student in Turkey. I'm really into history, space, chemistry and biology (but mostly history). I really care about what people speak about a thing and also I love to correct people's speech and well everyone around me hates this. I know English well (I've got an accent as well. Kind of.). I can speak a little bit of French and German. Also guess what? I'm Turkish and I live in Turkey. Yes, you probably guessed it right! I also speak Turkish.

About Being Turkish


Well, our country is democratic as the others. Being Turkish in foreign countries is like being a nomad. They always reject me and probably others in Europe. Well our history of being nomads is an arguable thing. Yes they were always about to attack someone but think, what Chinese did in the meantime. Killed all men. Broke Turks apart. Tried to give their cultures to assimilate us and more and more...

What about the Seljuqid Empire and the Ottoman Empire. Well I am proud of being related to those people. They were always nice and polite to others. Not like those "barbarian" Europeans. Europe is even better racists than recent USA. I won't blame them because of their religions (that I am fully supporting all religions) or cultures but they don't have to be that mad to others.

Last but not least, the history of Republic of Turkey. Well in the beginning they kicked out Mehmed Vahdettin which was a very good man and didn't do anything wrong. Btw he wasn't able to do anything wrong in Turkish perspective (because Britain invaded Istanbul in days after he came to the empire's lead). Turkey's history is full of politic manipulations and stupid politicians and also stupid mistakes. Recent president of Republic of Turkey is Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. His policies are arguable I'm not gonna lie. But he's not a dictator and that's clear. Well in social media we can't say bad words to him because saying bad words to him means you're swearing to Turkish people. So that's not allowed. But think. Can you swear to the Queen Elizabeth in UK? Of course not! So that's a normal thing to ban.

Being Turkish is a good thing for me. If I were German or Papua New Guinean or something. I probably wouldn't believe in Turks that much too. Because I won't search their history in real. Not like those people that changed and published it wrong to make us mad and make those readable in everywhere.

My last words are: Don't be racist and such a terrible human being. And search everything about it from real sources before argue about it.