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Dag S Thelle (born January 19, 1942) is a Norwegian physician and professor of medicine[1].

Education and working history


1960-66 Medical School, University of Oslo and University of Bergen
1966-72 Residency, Narvik Municipal Hospital, Internal Medicine and Psychiatry

1973-89 Tromsø Teaching Hospital and University of Tromsø (The Arctic University). Lecturer Internal Medicine, Assistant professor Preventive Medicine, later full Professor of Preventive Medicine. Took part in developing new teaching curriculum for the newly established university and its medical schoolCite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page)..
1974-89 Principal Investigator Tromsø Heart Study. Further developed into a series of populations surveys, see http://unikard.org/tromso-undersokelsen/Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).
1981-82, Guest lecturer Royal Free Hospital, London. Combined course epidemiology and statistics, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
1989-93 Professor of epidemiology, the Nordic School of Public Health, Gøteborg
1993-99 Professor of epidemiology, University of Oslo, Norway
1999-06 Professor and Consultant at Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg. Preventive cardiology and epidemiology
2006-12 Professor of epidemiology, University of Oslo

Current position


2012- Professor emeritus, University of Gothenburg and University of Oslo

2014- Executive Officer Norwegian Health Association (Your Health is Our Concern)[2]

Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page). Previous engagements

International (in order of importance) 1992 - Co-director of The World Heart Federation’s Teaching Seminar in Epidemiology and Prevention.
1999 - Chairman of The Council of Epidemiology, World Heart Federation[3]
1998 - Member of the Scientific Committee of the 5th International Conference on Preventive Cardiology, Japan 2001
1998 - Member of the editorial committee European Journal of Epidemiology

Member of the National Physical Activity and Nutrition Council,
Member of the Norwegian Council for Cardiovascular Diseases
Member of the Evaluation Committee of the Jahre foundation.
Member of the Scientific Committee of the National Council of Food Security
Member of the Ethical Committee of the NORVIT study - a secondary prevention study starting 1998
Member of the Steering Committee of the Regional Health Survey in Oslo started 2000

Previous Administrative tasks 1994-97 Research Co-ordinator, Medical School, University of Oslo
1988-89 Vice-dean, Nordic School of Public Health, Gothenburg
1985-87 Vice-dean, Medical School, University of Tromsø
1984-87 Chairman, Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø
1981-84 Vice-chairman, Institute of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø
1995-99 Member of the National Council of Hospitals, Ministry of Health
1994-98 Chairman of the Norwegian Research Councils (NFR). Subcommittee of Research for Community Medicine and Health Care
1997 -99 Member of the programme committee for the 5th European Nutrition Conference, Lillehammer 1999

Research Activities


Thelle was Principal Investigator of the Tromsø Study, 1974-88[4], of the Oslo Health Study conducted in 2000-1 [5], and of the INTERGENE Study conducted in Gothenburg and West Sweden from 2001-4[6].[7]https://doi.org/10.1080/14017431.2016.1239837Cite error: There are <ref> tags on this page without content in them (see the help page).

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Petter Laake, Anette Hjartåker, Dag S. Thelle, Marit B. Veierød (red): Epidemiologiske og kliniske forskningsmetoder, 1. utgave 2007. Gyldendal Akademisk.ISBN 978-82-05-33505-9

Dag S Thelle, Innføring i epidemiologi, Cappelen 1998, tredje opplag 2008.ISBN 978-82-456-0047-6

Dag S Thelle, Maja-Lisa Løchen, Kaotiske hjerter, atrieflimmer en moderne epidemi, GyldendalAkademisk 2010 ISBN 978-82-05-40543-1

Dag S Thelle, Epidemiology, A Basis for Disease Prevention and Public Health, Gyldendal Akademisk 2015.ISBN 978-82-05-41220-0

Fiction (short stories) Møter mellom mennesker, Kolofon forlag 2013.ISBN 978-82-300-1033-4

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