From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hello everyone! I look forward to contributing to the world's collective knowledge with accuracy and attention to detail! As I learn more about Wikitext , this page will continue to change.
An Internet Presence
This user knows that because English is a living language, grammar and syntax are not fixed.
a lot alotThis user recognizes that linguistic change is a natural and desirable aspect of human language.
…in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something that this user is okay with.
. The This user does not put two spaces after a full stop.
ANAL 4 This user advocates good grammar usage.
H4X0R This user has moderate understanding of Leet (H4X0R), but does not use it.
This user reads the dense and complex works of fiction written by Thomas Pynchon .
This user enjoys reading poetry .
This user enjoys reading plays .
It is approximately 8:07 AM where this user lives (Phoenix, AZ).
This user lives in or hails from Phoenix .
This user contributes using Ubuntu .
This user contributes with the KDE desktop environment.
This user contributes with GNOME .
TF2 This user's sentry is being sapped!!
L4D2 This user was Left 4 Dead...Again .
Src This user enjoys playing games that use Valve's Source Engine .
This user owns a Wii and thinks that it's a great deal!
This user loves Sega video game systems and games.