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User:Emperor/Sandbox/List of minor Marvel Comics characters

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This is a list of minor Marvel Comics characters.











Bertram is a mutant and member of the Morlocks. Their whereabouts are unknown.[1].



Berzerker[2] is a fictional character, a mutant from the Marvel Comics Universe. His first and last appearance was in X-Factor #11 (December 1986).

The character was a member and the leader of The Tunnelers, an offshoot group of Morlocks who hated Callisto's main group and dubbed them Drain Dwellers. Initially a group of ten, six of the Tunnelers were killed when the Marauders were sent to kill the Morlocks. Berzerker and three others survived the attack, only to get in another battle with Beast and Iceman, thinking they were Marauders too. The battle ends when the Tunnelers figure out that the X-Factor members are not their enemies.

Joining X-Factor at their base, the Tunnelers find out about their hosts' mock mutant hunter identities. The Tunnelers eventually leave hoping to find a new home in New Jersey. They ran into a human street gang called the Savage Wolf gang who tried to rob them. The Tunnelers fought back, ending in the deaths of the Tunneler Blowhard and two of the three gang members. They then got in a confrontation with the police where fellow Tunneler and Berzerker's love interest, Scaleface, was shot dead. Cyclops and Jean Grey arrived to save the remaining two Tunnelers, but it was too late; Berzerker was enraged by the loss of Scaleface and vowed revenge on all humanity. Before Cyclops could reason with him Berzerker let out a giant energy attack at him, blaming X-Factor for the Tunnelers' destruction. Cyclops fired back, overpowering Berzerker's initial shot. The optic blast from Cyclops knocked Berzerker into a river, electrocuting himself with his own powers resulting in his death. Masque was the only Tunneler that survived.

Berserker is a student at the Xavier Institute in the animated program X-Men: Evolution and is voiced by Tony Sampson. His name is stated as Ray Crisp. Unlike his comic counterpart, he is laid back and generally non-violent. His involvement with the Morlocks is never really described, however he does seem to have met them before at some point (when mutants are being hunted, he is the one who leads Sunspot, Multiple Man, Wolfsbane, Jubilee, Boom Boom, and Cannonball to their base in the sewers in order to hide out). In a laterepisode, when Spyke is poisoned and taken to be healed by the Morlocks, Ray is the only one who notices Callisto's presence and dedeuces where they are hiding. Later, when he is trying to escape the sewers, he is briefly pursued by Scaleface, begging her to just let him go. This is the only reference to their relationship in the comics. He seems to be familliar with all the Morlocks in that episode, however it could simply be explained by the fact that he and most of the New Mutants spent a few days living with them. Berserker appears in Wolverine and the X-men as part of Prof.Xavier's future X-men.



Blowhard[3] appeared in X-Factor vol. 1 #11 (December 1986), and was created by Chris Claremont and John Romita, Jr.

During the Mutant Massacre, The Tunnelers successfully fought off the Marauders, at the cost of seven of their number, including Cybelle. For some reason, most of the Tunnelers seemed to despise the Drain Dwellers faction of the Morlocks.

The Beast and Iceman carried Leech and the wounded Caliban to safety following the Mutant Massacre, they entered the territory of the Tunnelers, and were promptly attacked. The Tunnelers were understandably apprehensive, and believing them to be Marauders, engaged in a short battle, Blowhard punched Beast, knocking him down, and then blew Beast and Iceman together into a mini-tornado. When Cyclops and Jean Grey arrived with Artie and the severely injured Angel, Berzerker recognized them as members of the X-Terminators, Mutant Freedom Fighters, (and X-Factor’s alter-ego), and ceased fighting. The Tunnelers scornfully refused any help and started to walk off but Scaleface persuades them to accept refuge with X-Factor. On their way to safety, Blow-Hard and the entire group are almost slain by Thor, who not knowing the survivors were in danger, had created a funeral pyre for the slaughtered Morlocks. They manage to find safety behind a thick door.

As X-Factor was posing as a team of mutant hunters, the Tunnelers naturally felt even less reason to trust them, and refused to listen to the advice of the rescued Drain Dwellers, (Ape, Erg, Skids and Tar Baby), who tried to convince them that X-Factor was trying to help them. "And like sniveling Drain Dwellers you’ve accepted it!" Blowhard remarks to Erg. As night fell the Tunnelers had Masque alter their appearance and snuck out, hoping to make a new home in New Jersey. On the way they ran into the Savage Wolf street gang, who, thinking the rag-clad mutants “a pack of well heeled yuppies”, tries to rob them. When the Tunnelers revealed themselves as mutants and attempts to defend themselves, the Savage Wolf Gang leader shoots Blowhard, killing him. The gang leader then got a really bad face-lift from Masque. A drawn-out battle ensues; the gang members are slain, the cops shoot and kill Scaleface and Berzerker, mad with grief, is seemingly destroyed by his own powers.



Boost[4] first appeared was in Uncanny X-Men '97 Annual.

The character was a member of Gene Nation, a group of Morlocks whom Storm encountered and relocated to Africa. Boost is a mutant who functions like a living battery cell. He can augment other mutants' powers by a process called "body-jumping", wherein Boost merges with the other mutant and boosts their powers.

When the Humanity's Last Stand attacked the former Gene Nationals at their new home, Storm and the X-Men arrived to help. Unfortunately, so did Havok's Brotherhood of Mutants who offered the mutants protection against their enemies. Humanity's Last Stand were eventually defeated, and Boost, along with fellow former Gene National Tether, sought to leave, helping the Brotherhood escape in return for being dropped off at an unrevealed place of their choosing. Boost was affected after the Decimation, and lost his mutant powers.



Bouncer[5] is a mutant and member of the Morlocks and was a mass teleporter; current whereabouts and status unknown.[6]

Brain Cell


Brain Cell (Kevin) first appeared was in Uncanny X-Men #292.

The character was found to be the one responsible for instigating the riots in the Morlocks tunnels. Professor X was able to calm him down and thus halt the fighting. However, the fate of Kevin was never revealed. He presumably died during the flood or later on the Hill.



Brainstorm[7] the character has used the alias Mad Dog.[8]



Brute[9] first appeared was in New Mutants vol. 1 #91.

Brute is a member of the Morlocks, a collection of mutants who willingly choose to live in the various tunnels and spaces below New York City.



Captain Zero


Capatin Zero[10] the character has used the alias Mad Dog.[8]





Chickenwings is a mutant and member of the Morlocks and was killed by Sabretooth.[11]





Delphi[12] first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #490.

The character is the friend of Qwerty, a mutant precognitive that died consumed by her powers during the M-Day. Delphi and her followers write Qwerty's prophecies into a book and took them back to other Morlocks including Bliss, Masque, Skids, Erg and Litterbug. Delphi became the spiritual leader among her people, dedicated to deciphering the prophecies.

Eventually Delphi met the X-Men Storm and Caliban and greeted them saying that she was expecting them. Delphi explained their story and the focus of their pacifism, and discussed the complexity of the prophecies with Storm. When the walls of the Morlock's tunnels started rumbling, Delpi stated that was Masque killing the other Morlocks with a bomb, and that it was meant to be. In other explosions many Morlocks were killed and it is unknown if Delphi survived.



D‘Gard[13] first appeared was in Uncanny X-Men ‘97 Annual.

The character is a mutant with empathic powers which helped keep him in tune with his people's needs, D'Gard was the leader of the Gene Nation a group of Morlocks whom Storm encountered and relocated to Africa.

D'Gard took over the position of leadership in Storm's absence, and strived to ensure the community lived under the guidelines Storm set for them after freeing them from Mikhail Rasputin's tyranny.

When D'Gard was captured by a government agency that was in competition with the recently reformed Weapon X project, the project's Director dispatched Marrow to assassinate him. Despite being a former friend, and having once saved Marrow's life, Marrow accomplished her objective by stabbing D'Gard through the heart with one of her bone knives.[14]











Gunthar of Rigel


Gunthar of Rigel first appeared in Avengers #255 (May 1985) and was created by Roger Stern and John Buscema.

The character was a member of the space pirate Nebula's band of mercenaries. Gunthar is a Rigellian, a Freebooter. Gunthar can mentally control others, fire psionic blasts, and increase his density to gain armor-like skin.

Gunthar is humorless and cruel. He likes to use his powers to bully others, especially weak-willed underlings like Kehl.





Hump[15] first appeared in New Mutants #91 (July 1990).





Irving first appeared was in Generation M #4.

The character is diminutive child who lost his mutant powers on M-Day but retained his deformed appearance, Irving clung to his leader Marrow while the Morlocks struggled to survive in the tunels. When reporter Sally Floyd interviewed Marrow, Irving took a liking to her and posed for a picture with Marrow. He was later featured in the Ex-Mutants Diaries of the ALternative.





Jo's only appearance was in The Uncanny X-Men #179.

She appears with the Morlocks and therefore assumed to be a mutant, although her mutant power is never revealed. She appears only as Kitty Pryde's bridesmaid. Her duty was to make Kitty presentable for the wedding ceremony. Jo always does what others ask and tries to avoid breaking the rules.



Kehl of Tauran


Kehl of Tauran first appeared in Avengers #255 (May 1985) and was created by Roger Stern and John Buscema.

The character was a member of the space pirate Nebula's band of mercenaries. Kehl is a Taurian, and a Freebooter. Kehl is simple-minded, straight forward, and melancholic. His race are the orange-skinned survivors of one of Galactus's attacked who now work at various odd-jobs throughout the universe.

Kehl's hide serves as natural body armor, and he is able to survive without air, food, and drink for an extended period of time.





Levan was intorduced in Avengers #255 (May 1985) and was created by Roger Stern and John Buscema.

Levan was a member of the space pirate Nebula's band of mercenaries. Levan is a Freebooter, and Nebula's first officer. She recognizes his weaknesses and uses them to dominate him totally. While in her presence, he is subservient and a little nervous. Away from her, he is haughty, proud, and an able warrior. Levan was once captured by Skrulls.

Lightning Bug


Lightning Bug[16] first appeared was in Marvel Comics Presents #15.







Mole[17] first appeared was in X-Factor vol. 1 #51 (February, 1990).

The character was a member of the Morlocks, a group of mutants and other humans who established a society in the sewers beneath Manhattan. During the events of the Mutant Massacre, a gang of mercenaries known as the Marauders attacked and slew many of the Morlocks. Mole, along with his friend Chickenlegs, fled the Morlock Alleys, and lived for a time in the alleys on the streets of Manhattan. However, one of the Marauders, a mutant known as Sabretooth, continued to hunt down and kill off any Morlocks he could. Sabretooth located and attacked Mole and Chickenwings. Mole's friend attempted to fight off Sabretooth and met his end, giving Mole enough of a lead to escape Sabretooth using his burrowing power.

Mole made his way to the basement of Acme Records, which he established as a temporary hiding place. He was discovered by an employee, Opal Tanaka, who felt sympathy for him, allowing him to hide there and bringing him food and clothing. Soon after this, Opal began dating the mutant member of X-Factor, Bobby Drake, the Iceman. Both jealous of Opal's interest in Drake, and fearing that he may be seeking to harm her, Mole followed the two on their date. Growing angry watching Opal and Drake interact, Mole inadvertently disintegrated a portion of a crane, causing it to drop on the two. Believing it to be an attack from an evil mutant, Drake fought back, although Opal stopped the fight as soon as she recognized Mole.

Opal and Drake explained their relationship to Mole, who feeling sorry for himself, returned to the Morlock tunnels. Unfortunately, Sabretooth was waiting for him there.

Mole first appeared in the X-Men episode "Captive Hearts." He was a member of the Morlocks. In "Secrets Not Long Buried," Mole is one of the many residents of the mutant-dominated community of Skull Mesa.



Mother Inferior










Piper first appeared in Power Pack #12 (Jul 1985), and he was created by Louise Simonson and June Brigman.

Virtually nothing is known about the life of the man known only as Piper before he came to join the underground community of mutants known as the Morlocks who lived in "The Alley", a huge tunnel located beneath Manhattan.

Piper was slain by Scalphunter, a member of the superhuman team of assassins known as the Marauders, during the villains' massacre of the Morlock community.









Revelation[18] first appeared in Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation #1 (1999).

The character first appears as a member of the Morlocks. Failsafe droids designed to prevent her deadly power from spreading kill her. [19]





Scaleface[20] first appeared in X-Factor vol. 1 #11 (December 1986), and was created by Louise Simonson and Walter Simonson.

The character subsequently appears as a zombie in Sensational She-Hulk #34-35 (December 1991-January 1992).

After the Morlock Massacre, Scaleface, Blowhard, Berzerker and Masque, part of The Tunnelers came up on Iceman and Beast. They incorrectly believe that the two X-Men were threatening Leech and Caliban. A fight breaks out, with Leech nuetralizing the powers on both sides. Eventually the group calms down, with the urging of Scaleface. As a group, they join with the remnants of X-Factor and make their way to safety. It almost goes badly as Thor's funeral pyre for the dead Morlocks nearly roasts Scaleface and all of her old and new allies.

Disastisfied with the possibillities at X-Factor's HQ, they sneak out, disguised and claiming to be the X-Factor 'cleaning staff'. Scaleface urges restraint in this escape, not wanting to kill. Attempting to simply go home, they stumble upon the Savage Wolf gang. When it is clear they are mutants, the gang opens fire, killing Blow-Hard and wounding Masque. The confrontation swiftly escalates, leading to a cordon by the police. Again, Scaleface urges restraint, explaining how the cops simply want to defend their own, like the Morlocks have. Scaleface transforms in front of the cops, who frightened, open fire, killing her. Berzerker goes mad, deciding to kill every human who hates mutants. Cyclops confronts him and in the fight, Berzerker vanishes below the water, seemingly destroyed by his own powers.[21]

Scaleface was later resurrected as a zombie by the Black Talon as part of the X-Humed along with other dead mutants Changeling, Living Diamond and Harry Leland to fight She-Hulk. At the end, she is given a proper burial, including magical charms to keep her body from rising again.[22]

Skunge the Laxidazian Troll


Skunge the Laxidazian Troll first appeared in Avengers #255 (May 1985) and was created by Roger Stern and John Buscema.

The character was a member of the space pirate Nebula's band of mercenaries. Skunge is a Laxidazian troll, and a Freebooter. Normal Laxidazians are moralistic humans. Since he is a rebel, Skunge was transformed into a small, satyr-like hedonist. Skunge was once captured by Skrulls.



Soteira[23] was introduced in Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation #1 (1999).

The character was a member of the Morlocks, scientist and friend of the mutant Revelation. Died by the long time contact with Revelation.





Tether[24] first appeared was in Uncanny X-Men '97 Annual.

The character was a member of Gene Nation, the group of second generation Morlocks whom Storm encountered and relocated to Africa.

When Humanity's Last Stand attacked the Gene Nationals, Storm and the X-Men arrived to help. Unfortunately, so did Havok's Brotherhood of Mutants who offered the Gene Nationals protection against Humanity's Last Stand. Humanity's Last Stand were eventually defeated, and Tether (along with fellow Gene National Boost) sought to leave, helping the Brotherhood escape in return for being dropped off at an unrevealed place of their choosing.



Tommy[25] first appeared in Uncanny X-Men #210 (October 1986), and was created by Chris Claremont and John Romita, Jr.

Tommy appeared as part of the "Morlocks" entry in the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe Deluxe Edition #18.

The character is a young Morlock living under the streets of New York. She flees the city after the Marauders kill some of her Morlock friends under as yet undetailed circumstances. She is rescued by the Hellfire Club mercenary Richard Salmons and brought to Los Angeles, where the Marauders track her down. Stunned by one of Harpoon's spears, Richard begs Tommy to give him his gun. Tommy panicks and flees, abandoning Richard, who was soon afterwards shot by Scalphunter.

Tommy hitchhikes a train ride back to New York. She is trailed by some of the Marauders to 'The Alley', the Morlock home in the New York sewer tunnels. Just when Tommy is about to flee into the tunnels, she is incapacitated by Harpoon and then shot by Scalphunter[26] off-panel. She was the first person to die in the Marvel Mutant Massacre.

Although Uncanny X-Men #210 shows that the Marauders followed her into the Alley, Marvel has retconned the events of the Mutant Massacre to say that Gambit was responsible for leading the Marauders to the Alley.

Tommy appears in the X-Men episode "Captive Hearts." She is among the featured Morlocks that fight the X-Men. In "Secrets Not Long Buried," Tommy is one of the many residents of the mutant-dominated community of Skull Mesa.







Clyde Wyncham


Clyde Wyncham is a character created by Mark Millar who first appeared in Marvel 1985[27] and was later revealed to be the only mutant in that dimension and the character was moved to the main Marvel Universe in the last issue.[28] His being released from a secure facility was mentioned in Millar's "Old Man Logan" storyline in Wolverine and it was later revealed that he was one of the most dangerous mutants and would go on to become The Marquis of Death. Wyncham eventually teams up with the Fantastic Four to defeat his possible future self.[29]

Millar has revealed this was all part of a plan to have his own "one-man event" and outlined the story:








  1. ^ Howard Mackie (w), Javier Saltares (p), Jimmy Palmiotti & Mark Texeira (i). "Pursuit" Ghost Rider vol. 3, no. 9 (January 1991). Marvel Comics.
  2. ^ Berzerker at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  3. ^ Blowhard at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  4. ^ Boost at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  5. ^ Bouncer at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  6. ^ Chris Claremont (w), Marc Silvestri (p), Dan Green (i). "Harriers Hunt" Uncanny X-Men, no. 261 (May 1990). Marvel Comics.
  7. ^ Brainstorm at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  8. ^ a b Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #295
  9. ^ Brute at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  10. ^ Captain Zero at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  11. ^ X-Factor #51
  12. ^ Delphi at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  13. ^ D'Gard at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  14. ^ Weapon X - The Draft: Marrow
  15. ^ Hump at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  16. ^ Lightning Bug at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  17. ^ Mole at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  18. ^ Revelation at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  19. ^ Wolverine/Punisher: Revelation #4
  20. ^ Scaleface at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  21. ^ X-Factor #11
  22. ^ Sensational She-Hulk #34-35 (1991-1992)
  23. ^ Soteira at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  24. ^ Tether at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  25. ^ Tommy at The Appendix to the Handbook of the Marvel Universe
  26. ^ Uncanny X-Men #210
  27. ^ Marvel 1985 #2
  28. ^ Marvel 1985 #6
  29. ^ Fantastic Four #568-569
  30. ^ "The Master of Doom" Fantastic Four #566-569 (July - September 2009)
  31. ^ George, Richard (January 29, 2009). "Mark Millar Talks Wolverine, 1985, Kick Ass (page 2)". Retrieved Septmeber 30, 2009. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |accessdate= (help)

