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Zungueiras are thousands of Angolan leaving the streets selling all sorts of goods that carry the same head. These zungueiras Mussulo cater to a specific audience and offer products like beach clothes, linens and whole pieces of multicolored cloths, richly embossed with African figures and geometric lines, much to the taste of the pattern here. They walk all day in the blazing sun. It is absolutely amazing the ability of zungueiras balancing on their heads baskets, bags, baskets, bowls and bags which carry the goods they sell. Defying the laws of physics, the delicate balance is required before various obstacles that stand before them on the streets and sidewalks beyond the small children, who carry on their backs, tied for cloths that tie in front at chest height. Thousands of zungueiras run around town all day, from one point to another of Luanda, risking often amid the tumultuous traffic.



The streets of this city Luanda, find themselves zungueiras to look humble and determined. Roam the streets of the city rain or shine. Some carry children on the back while supporting the weight of the merchandise selling. It can be sweet fruit as fruit-pineapple, mango scented avocado color of hope that these women insist on preserving or deep filled sandwich with ham and cheese. Products such as clothing, shoes, school books or articles from other fish are chosen by these fighters and providers of home.

"Women who are" in zunga "are living the itinerant trade. It is an alternative to famine in a country with few jobs. But in Africa until it is aesthetic, colorful. The hellish traffic that reigns in Luanda is the lesser of two evils for these women. The inspectors who roam the city in search of offenses characterized by harsh tone and austere with that address the street vendors. The relationship between fiscal and Zungueiras is far from cordial. Many complain about the mode of action of these individuals, since most, gets them with money and merchandise, which means humiliation and a hole in the family budget.

The government tries to stop the peddling or intends to build markets to host own Zungueiras. If that goal is reached, that Luanda will again be the same? The city will lose color and pleasure to see the sway of these warrior women in colorful bowls and carrying daily survival.

The documentary is dedicated to Angola Marisol Kadiegi Us All a deserved space to Zungueiras Luanda and other regions of the country:

They came out of Uige, Malanje, Benguela, finally! Of all the provinces of Angola to the nation's capital, a better life and trying to find dreams, try to see their children doctors. Battered by war, inherited Mom stallholder the art of selling, the word "zunga" originates from Kimbundu, she became walker, walking or wandering. This is our lady said Zungueira, hardworking woman who long before the sun rises to deal with life and get food for sustenance. Like a lioness, hunting food for their children while the "King" lion rests. Our vendor that door to door and on city streets out its product offering, making a cry of lament. In most cases, taking the youngest son in the back, gives a kilape (credit) for customary arrived customers and carries a smile on his face hoping to one day see themselves totally freed from their condition.

Victim of police violence and often from their own comrades, the woman is Zungueira example of dignity. Women working, photo by Jose Carlos Costa, used with permission of photographer Dignity and courage are two good adjectives to describe these women. Due to lack of education and poverty, many Angolan women are forced to give up the itinerant life.



"When you get tired, stop and sit on the sidewalks where breastfeed their babies and take some fruit from their saddlebags to feed. Sometimes it's a busy corner, but have seen a Zungueira in the city center stop on a sidewalk, your download basket of salted fish and avocado parched and give half to the little boy who smeared, just outside the door of a modern agency European bank, a beautiful cultural contrast. Idiosyncrasies of globalization, which does not include parts or anthropological aspects humanists in their inexorable march, so my brief reading that I am content to just analyze the episode through the prism of the plasticity of the scene and its meaning. With high unemployment rates and poor access to educational or vocational training is to be Zungueira activity which absorbs more young Angolan poor, often single mothers, some newly outputs of adolescence. "[1]

