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Eliza So
Pretty Flower Image from Wikipedia



Hello, I'm Eliza. I am in my second year at U of G. I am currently majoring in Studio Arts, but will most likely graduate with a Philosphy major. I don't like to be told what courses to take, and prefer to take courses based on genuine interest. I was interested in taking photography which is why I declared Studio Art as my major, but would prefer not to take any more Art History courses as I can find better ways in which to invest my time, like creating Wiki Pages!

Personal Life


I was born in Cebu City, Philippines, to a pair of very ambitious Chinese parents. For as long as I could remember, they had been striving to immigrate to Canada, a country which they believe would present better opportunities for their children. Since most people in my family have this mentality, they are now scattered in several countries across the globe. We no longer share a common land, a common culture, but this has apparently been worthwhile in the persuit of personal security. When I was eight, my family finally fulfilled their dream of coming to Canada. It would be twelve years before I would go back to the land of my birth. But when I went back, I was shocked by all the things that I found there. In a place where most people are devout Catholics, the poor are ignored and even resented. This led me to a journey of investigation and what I've learned since then is that this idea of advancement in our modern society is a farce. It has done nothing but create poverty for half the world and enslavement for the other half. A few thousand of the world's population are the only ones benefitting from progress. The rest of us trade our time for the unceasing pursuit of money and think that this is somehow better than the 'peasant' practice of toiling in the fields for our daily bread.

Education and Academic Career


While I am in University, I am also busy educating myself in various ways:

  • Permaculture Design
  • Earth-based Construction
  • Gardening
  • Community Building
  • Homesteading
  • Raw food preparation

In a few years, I hope to have build enough of the above skills to:

  1. form an Intentional Community
  2. provide for my own basic needs as well as the community's
  3. do nothing and being alright with that


  • Yoga and smoking
  • Travelling and getting lost
  • Cooking and eating
  • Reading

favorite books

  1. The Further Education of Oversoul Seven (By: Jane Roberts- Bestselling Author of "Seth Speaks" [1] )
  2. Prescription Z (By: F.W. Tamminga)
  3. The Little Prince (By: Antoine Saint-Exupery)
  4. The No-nonsense guide to World History (By: Chris Brazier)



1000 Awesome Things


Best Youtube Video Ever

George Carlin