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User:Eladkse/StarKid Table

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Performer Production Characters
Nico Ager Click to expand/collapse →
Holy Musical B@man! Evil Sherlock Holmes, Sluggers, Citizen, Storekeeper, Plastic Man
A Very Potter Senior Year Snake
Julia Albain Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Vincent Crabbe
A Very Potter Sequel Vincent Crabbe, Percy Weasley, Candy Lady
Starship Specs, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! Vicki Vale, Evil Mother Goose, Zatanna, Martha Wayne
Chris Allen Click to expand/collapse →
Little White Lie Duder Reece
Starship [Cameo]
Holy Musical B@man! Alfred/Lucius Fox/O'Malley/Qwang Li/Spider-Man, Two-Face, Gangster
A Very Potter Senior Year Moaning Myrtle, Barty Crouch Jr./Mad-Eye Moody
Jaime Lyn Beatty Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Ginny Weasley
Me and My Dick Sally
A Very Potter Sequel Rita Skeeter, Ginny Weasley
Starship Neato Mosquito, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! Poison Ivy, Candy, Gangster, The Flash
A Very Potter Senior Year Ginny Weasley
Jeff Blim Click to expand/collapse →
Holy Musical B@man! Sweet Tooth, Aquaman, Joe Chill
A Very Potter Senior Year Aragog
Pat Brady Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Senior Year Candy Lady
Tyler Brunsman Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Cedric Diggory, Cornelius Fudge
A Very Potter Sequel Lucius Malfoy
Starship [Cameo]
A Very Potter Senior Year Minerva McGonagall, Lucius Malfoy, Cedric Diggory
Richard Campbell Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Neville Longbottom
Me and My Dick Rick, The Kid That Hates Joey
A Very Potter Sequel Neville Longbottom, Past Hermione
Starship [Cameo]
A Very Potter Senior Year Neville Longbottom
Britney Coleman Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Bellatrix Lestrange
A Very Potter Sequel Dean Thomas
A Very Potter Senior Year Bellatrix Lestrange, Dean Thomas
Brant Cox Click to expand/collapse →
Starship Roach, Ensemble
A Very Potter Senior Year Colin Creevey, Wizard Cop, Percy Weasley
Darren Criss Click to expand/collapse →
Little White Lie Toby Phillips
A Very Potter Musical Harry Potter
Me and My Dick [Cameo]
A Very Potter Sequel Harry Potter
A Very Potter Senior Year Harry Potter
Denise Donovan Click to expand/collapse →
Starship February, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! Catwoman, Pizza Guy, Black Canary
A Very Potter Senior Year TBA
Corey Dorris Click to expand/collapse →
Me and My Dick Big T
A Very Potter Sequel Yaxley
A Very Potter Senior Year Kingsley Shacklebolt
Elona Finlay Click to expand/collapse →
Little White Lie Sami Reese
A Very Potter Senior Year Spider
Eric Kahn Gale Click to expand/collapse →
Little White Lie Hunkytonk
A Very Potter Senior Year Wizard Cop
Arielle Goldman Click to expand/collapse →
Me and My Dick Weenie, Ensemble
A Very Potter Sequel Lily Potter, Luna Lovegood, Hedwig, Fred Weasley
Starship [Cameo]
A Very Potter Senior Year Lily Potter, Fred Weasley, Spider
Ali Gordon Click to expand/collapse →
Me and My Dick Vanessa, Ensemble
Bonnie Gruesen Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Hermione Granger
A Very Potter Sequel Hermione Granger
Brian Holden Click to expand/collapse →
Me and My Dick Flopsy, Ensemble
A Very Potter Sequel Remus Lupin
Starship Junior, Veeto Mosquito, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! Superman/Clark Kent, Evil Huckleberry Finn
A Very Potter Senior Year Rubeus Hagrid, The Basilisk, Remus Lupin
A.J. Holmes Click to expand/collapse →
Me and My Dick Joey's Heart
Starship [Cameo]
A Very Potter Senior Year Gilderoy Lockhart
Matt Lang Click to expand/collapse →
Little White Lie [Cameo]
Nick Lang Click to expand/collapse →
Little White Lie Kevin Bushwald
A Very Potter Sequel Arthur Weasley, Sorty, Scarfy, Peter Pettigrew
Starship The Caller Bug, Mister Bug, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! Robin, Barack Obama, Mobster
A Very Potter Senior Year Arthur Weasley, Sorty, Scarfy
Lauren Lopez Click to expand/collapse →
Little White Lie Tanya Freemont
A Very Potter Musical Draco Malfoy
A Very Potter Sequel Draco Malfoy
Starship Taz, Buggette Buggington, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! Commissioner Gordon, Calendar Man, Evil King Arthur, Green Arrow
A Very Potter Senior Year Draco Malfoy
Evanna Lynch Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Senior Year Luna Lovegood
Devin Lytle Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Cho Chang
Me and My Dick Miss Cooter
A Very Potter Sequel Cho Chang, Charlie Weasley
Starship [Cameo]
A Very Potter Senior Year Cho Chang, Charlie Weasley
Lily Marks Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Pansy Parkinson, Molly Weasley
Me and My Dick Sally's Heart, High Council Pussy
A Very Potter Sequel Molly Weasley
Starship [Cameo]
A Very Potter Senior Year Molly Weasley, Pansy Parkinson
Alle-Faye Monka Click to expand/collapse →
Me and My Dick Tiffany, Ensemble
A Very Potter Senior Year Fleur Delacour, The Basilisk, Spider
Joe Moses Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Severus Snape
Me and My Dick Rick's Dick
A Very Potter Sequel Severus Snape
Starship Krayonder, Ensemble
A Very Potter Senior Year Nearly-Headless Nick, Severus Snape
Jim Povolo Click to expand/collapse →
Little White Lie Jim Povolo
A Very Potter Musical Gregory Goyle, Rumbleroar
A Very Potter Sequel Gregory Goyle, Firenze, Bill Weasley, Past Draco
Starship The Overqueen, Sweetheart Mosquito, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! Mr. Freeze, Matches, Hawkman, Photoshop Downloader, Joe
A Very Potter Senior Year Bill Weasley, Gregory Goyle, Rumbleroar
Joey Richter Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Ron Weasley
Me and My Dick Joey Richter
A Very Potter Sequel Ron Weasley
Starship Bug
A Very Potter Senior Year Ron Weasley
Brian Rosenthal Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Quirinus Quirrell
A Very Potter Sequel Seamus Finnigan, James Potter, Past Ron, King's Cross Guard
Starship [Cameo]
A Very Potter Senior Year Seamus Finnigan, James Potter, Quirnius Quirrell
Dylan Saunders Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Albus Dumbledore
A Very Potter Sequel Albus Dumbledore
Starship Tootsie Noodles, Pincer, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! Green Lantern, Narrator, Mobster, Scarecrow, Construction Worker, Egghead, Gob
A Very Potter Senior Year Albus Dumbledore/Man with Beard
Meredith Stepien Click to expand/collapse →
Little White Lie Meredith
Starship Mega-Girl, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! The Riddler, Rachel Dawes, TGI Fridays Worker, Chase Meridian, Wonder Woman, Hostage
A Very Potter Senior Year Hermione Granger
Nicholas Joseph Strauss-Matathia Click to expand/collapse →
Me and My Dick The Old Snatch
A Very Potter Sequel Sirius Black
Starship [Cameo]
Holy Musical B@man! Penguin, Police Chief O'Hara, Thomas Wayne, Mr. Mxyzptlk, Captain Marvel
A Very Potter Senior Year Fenrir Greyback, Sirius Black
Sango Tajima Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Lavender Brown
A Very Potter Sequel Lavender Brown, George Weasley
A Very Potter Senior Year Lavender Brown, George Weasley, Spider
Joe Walker Click to expand/collapse →
A Very Potter Musical Lord Voldemort
Me and My Dick Dick
A Very Potter Sequel Dolores Umbridge
Starship Up, Ensemble
Holy Musical B@man! Batman, Chilly Willy
A Very Potter Senior Year Tom Riddle/Lord Voldemort