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Annotated bibliography


Kavanagh, Shayne, "Zero-Base Budgeting Modern Experiences and Current Perspectives." Government Finance Review (2012): 1-14. Web.


"Zero-Base Budgeting Modern Experiences and Current Perspectives," is a summary report based on an article written by the GfO. The article describes basic concepts of zero-based budgeting like the origins and the meaning of the term. The article also has modern statistics and up to date perspectives that are seen with using zero-based budgeting. These article also sets itself apart from other zero-base budgeting articles because of some of the interesting charts that demonstrate the effects of zero-based budgeting. The information here could be helpful for the wiki page because the statistics and date could help the page be more up to date as well as more informative. Overall the article has interesting perspectives on zero-based budgeting that could really make the wiki page for zero-based budgeting have more depth.

Mahler, Daniel. "Zero-Based Budgeting Is Not a Wonder Diet for Companies." Harvard Business Review. N.p., 30 June 2016. Web.


Zero-Based Budgeting Is Not a Wonder Diet for Companies," by Daniel Mahler is an article describing the use of Zero-based budgeting in companies. The article provides information on how companies use this method of budgeting in order to try an eliminated unjustifiable costs of a business. The article then provides reasons why a business would implement this type of budgeting method the outcomes of this method on how it can be beneficial to some but also have no effect to others. Overall the author has interesting points with reliable knowledge that is up to date. This could be a good source to use in the zero-based budgeting page, in order to add information on what outcomes could result from using zero-based budgeting on a business. As well as providing more specific examples on some specific businesses that use zero-based budgeting.

Pyhrr, Peter A. “The Zero-Base Approach to Government Budgeting.” Public Administration Review, vol. 37, no. 1, 1977, pp. 1–8. Web.


"The Zero-Base Approach to Government Budgeting," article is about using this method of budgeting in a government platform. The article presents zero-base budgeting information by the approaches, the procedures, the decision making, the outcomes, and some of the problems that can occur. Along with all of this information the article includes examples as well as charts to help understand zero-base budgeting results. The article is not up to date but it still holds very informative information that can be included in the wiki page. The article present both the pros and the cons of the zero-based budgeting method and therefore has no bias to the subject. The article information is a reliable source for the wiki page because it has other examples and demonstrations on the entire process of zero-base budgeting method, that are not included in other articles.

Schlick, Allen, "The Road from ZBB." Public administration Review 38.2 (1978): 177-80, Web."


The Road from ZBB" by Allen Schick is an article that presents information about zero-based budgeting with historical content as well as the success of zero-based budgeting and the zero-based budgeting as managerial budgeting and the limits of zero-based budgeting. The articles has a lot of depth of these subjects it includes examples and ideas that are neutral to the subject. Even though the information is not up to date the article can still be a reliable resource for the wiki page because it could be used to compare and contrast some of the more up to date articles provided. Overall the article provides interesting ideas and examples that may not be up to date but can still be used as a reference for the wiki page.

Wetherbe, James C, and John R. Montanari, "Zero Based Budgeting in the Planning Process." Onlinelibrary.wiley.com Strategic Management Journal, Volume 2, 1-14, 1981. Web


"Zero Based Budgeting in the Planning Process" by James C. Wetherbe and John R. Montanari is an article with very detailed information about the zero based budgeting method and it provides unique examples of the process of the method. The article provides different test made by the writers on the process of zero-base budgeting they give their hypothesis on the test and then complete the tests. After the test the article provides the data that was collected by the tests made. This article can be a reliable source for the wiki page because of these tests and data given by the authors. These information is not up to date but the data given can also be useful as a comparison to present day data.

Article Evaluation


This article looks to have a lot of information that could have been better structured and referenced. Most of the information is on the topic of zero-based budgeting and has a lot of deep information. The article has a neutral bias to it with pointing out the advantages and disadvantages of zero-based budgeting. There is never really a sense of the article leaning to a one side idea or opinion. The background information is very helpful to the topic as well as the components and analysis of zero-based budgeting. The down side to the article is not its content but the way its structured and grammar issues. Paragraphs could be placed in different ways and sentences could be written better. For example the definition of zero-based budgeting could have been placed in the beginning of the article instead of the middle. The definition should have been placed in the beginning instead of the advantages and disadvantages of zero-based budgeting. The references that were online I was able to track down but one of them did not seem very reliable. There was also parts where the article would references could have been placed better in some of the sentences. The article also referenced a link that was confusing to find the information in and I was not even able to find the article. Overall the article is not up to date with some reliable information that has structural and reference issues.