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North Jiangsu Irrigation Main Channel is located in lower reaches of Huai River, which is a main river of northern Jiangsu Province. It rises from Gaoliangjian near Hongze Lake and runs through Hongze, Qingpu, Huai'an, Funing, Sheyang and Binghai county(or district) and joins a big artificial estuary of Biandan Harbour.[1] The overall length of this irrigation main channel is 168km. This program was organized and directed by headquarters of Jiangsu Huai River Harness. The project started from Oct,1951 and ended in May, 1952.This channel can deliver water and irrigate 1,720,000 hectare of farmland. The bottom of this channel have three kinds of width: 140m, 110m, 50m, 60m and 110m.[2]

There are three main channels apart from north Jiangsu irrigation main channel. First one is the famous Grand Canal (China). It goes through west part of north Jiangsu area and cross the main channel. It is called “the west main channel”. Second one is the Chuanchang River. The irrigation main channel and Chuangyang River form a “T” junction. It is called “east main channel”. Third one is the Tongyang Canal, which lies in south part of north Jiangsu area. It connects the start and ending points. It is called “south main channel”. North Jiangsu irrigation main channel and these three main channels form a quadrangle. And they connect those inland rivers, which as a whole, is an irrigation system.[3]

At first, government wanted to built a channel only to drain waters because people in Hai River drainage basin frequently suffer from flood and waterlogging. During that time of planning this project, newborn China has joined the Korean War, which cost China enormous fortune. Therefore, the government did not have enough money to support this project. However, Premier Zhou Enlai, who comes from Hai River drainage basin, insisted on carrying the whole project because he knew well about how people suffer from flood and waterlogging in his hometown. In 1950, inundation was very serious. Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai informed relevant apartments to work out a plan about regulating water conservancy. In 1951, Zhou Enlai held a conference on the project. Li Baohua, undersecretary of Ministry of Water Resources, reported the researches of his group and offered a plan about the Project. Zhou Enlai approved of the plan and supported it. On November 2, 1951, the project was put into practice. More than 1,190,000 civilian workers participated this project. This main channel has a variety functions and it has worked well over the past 50 years. [4]



Generally, North Jiangsu Irrigation Main Channel is one of the flood-relief channel, which redirects the flood into the sea. It also brings water from Hongze Lake to irrigate land along southern part of the waste area of Yellow River.[5] In all, North Jiangsu Irrigation Main Channel is a multi-purpose project for flood control, irrigation and power generating. It was designed to transfer water at a speed of 5000 stere per second. On the north side of main channel, a drainage channel was built to drain the flood in north area of the main channel.It was planned to irrigate more than 3,600,000 mu farmland of both Lixiahe area and north area of the main channel. What's more, it can discharge flood at a speed of 800 stere per second. When the waterlogging of north area of the main channel gets more serious, it can help drainage of this area to discharge flood.[1] Alongside the main channel, there have been built Gaoliangjian intake sluice, east canal diversion sluice, [6] Funing Waist gate [7] and Liuduo tidal sluice. In Gaoliangjian, northern canal and Buning, there built hydropower stations and ship locks near those sluices. Totally, there are 36 culverts, 2 flood-release sluices and 4 road bridges affiliated with the main channel. There also built a Gaoliangjian cross sluice [8] between Erhe river and main channel. It is another gate to drain flood, which strengthens the draining ability of the main channel.

Headquarters of Jiangsu irrigation is in charge of the administration of affiliated buildings and the dispatch of resources. Relevant apartments of counties and districts along the main channel are in charge of the repair and administration of the bank. Apartments of each class have established rules of security of observation and practice of administration. North Jiangsu irrigation main channel reaches the standard of the design according to the examination of those years. It contributes a lot to the irrigation of north Jiangsu and Lixiahe area and the flood discharge of lower reaches of Huai River. The main channel also has functions of shipping and electricity generation.

Affliated buildings

  1. Gaoliangjian intake sluice
  2. Liuduo tidal sluice
  3. Tidal sluice of south Great Channel
  4. Hyfropower stations affliated to different sluices
  5. 36 culverts along the channel and 2 flood-release sluices
  6. 4 road bridges across the channel



Headquarters of Jiangsu irrigation instructs and administrates every pivotal project of different class.


  1. ^ a b 洪泽湖 Retrieved December 4,2014.
  2. ^ 总渠之窗 Retrieved December 11,2014.
  3. ^ 淮河水利网 Retrieved December 11,2014.
  4. ^ 周总理与苏北灌溉总渠 Retrieved January 8,2015.
  5. ^ 废黄河 Retrieved December 4,2014.
  6. ^ 淮安日报数字报 Retrieved January 9,2015.
  7. ^ 盐城水利局 Retrieved January 9,2015.
  8. ^ 苏北灌溉总渠工程 Retrieved January 9,2015.

  1. 苏北灌溉总渠 百度百科
  2. 苏北灌溉总渠旅游