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User:Dwalma/Books/Design Patterns

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Design Patterns



Design pattern (computer science)
Table Data Gateway
Row Data Gateway
Abstract factory pattern
Active object
Active record pattern
Adapter pattern
Aggregate pattern
Amelioration Patterns
Architectural pattern (computer science)
Asynchronous method invocation
Balking pattern
Barton-Nackman trick
Behavioral pattern
Bridge pattern
Builder pattern
Chain-of-responsibility pattern
Command pattern
Composite pattern
Concurrency pattern
Creational pattern
Curiously recurring template pattern
Data Access Object
Data Transfer Object
Debugging patterns
Decorator pattern
Delegation pattern
Dependency inversion principle
Design Patterns (book)
Design pattern
Differentiated service
Distributed design patterns
Double dispatch
Double-chance function
Double-checked locking
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Event handler
Exception chaining
Extensibility pattern
Facade pattern
Factory method pattern
Factory object
Factory pattern
Fluent interface
Flyweight pattern
Front Controller pattern
Fundamental pattern
Guarded suspension
Head-Body Pattern
Hierarchical visitor pattern
Hollywood Principle
Identity map
Initialization on demand holder idiom
Interaction design pattern
Interpreter pattern
Inversion of control
Iterator pattern
Lazy Inheritance
Lazy initialization
Lazy loading
List of Object-oriented design patterns
Marker interface pattern
Mediator pattern
Memento pattern
Message broker
Mock object
Model 1
Model 2
Model View Presenter
Multiton pattern
Naked objects
Null Object pattern
Object pool
Observer pattern
Pipeline (software)
Portland Pattern Repository
Private class data pattern
Prototype pattern
Provider model
Proxy pattern
Reactor pattern
Read/write lock pattern
Scheduled-task pattern
Scheduler pattern
Separation of presentation and content
Signals and slots
Single-serving visitor pattern
Singleton pattern
Specification pattern
State pattern
Strategy pattern
Structural pattern
Template method pattern
Thread pool pattern
Visitor pattern
Workflow patterns