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Dvine16 User Page


I am an Vanderbilt Student who is currently studying Anthropology, Spanish, and Corporate Strategy and am interested in topics concerning how marginalized groups are affected by, adapt to and use the networks and technology of expanding globalized systems. Currently I taking a Human Rights of Indigenous Peoples class which is improving on a variety of topics on indigenous peoples on Wikipedia. For my contribution you can visit Indigenismo in Mexico.

Indigenismo Outline


Lead Section general description of indigenismo, mestizaje etc. Themes of education reform, land reform, economic development, and political participation

Indigenismo in Mexico


Defining Characteristics, Historical context of relations between government and indigenous groups

Cardenas Administration


Goals, Methods, Successes and Failures

First Inter-American Indigenous Congress


Goals, Attendance, Results

Governmental Agencies


Role, Programs, Impact on Indigenous Communities

Criticisms and Counter Movements


Bonfil Batalla and Mexico Profoundo

Echeverria Administration


Resurgence of Participatory Indigenismo, Goals, Methods, Outcomes

First National Congress of Indigenous People


Goal, Attendance, Indigenous Demands, Results