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User:Dumelow/Second Sekhukhune War

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Second Sekhukhune War

By the middle of 1878 Sekhukhune of the Pedi people had brought most of the neighbouring peoples under his control. He held discussions with Zulu chief Cetshwayo about an allied resistance to British ruule. Aroun this time the PEdi came into conflict with colonists from Transvaal and Kimberley who were assisted by Zulu recruited to the Transvaal Police. British troops made an attempt against Sekhukhune's mountain stronghold in October 1878 but were then withdrawn to taker part in the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879. After victory the recently arrived British commander Garnet Wolseley turned his attentions to Sekhukhune. His offer of continued rule under British soveriegnty and control foa British garrison was rejected. Wolsely sent a force of 1,400 British infantry, 400 mounted colonial troops and 10,000 African auxiliary, largely Swazi troops, against the Pedi in November 1879. Thousands of Pedi were killed, including womena nd children sheltering in caves. Sekhukhune lost three brothers and eight children. British losses were 13 Europeans and 500 of the African auxiliary, who carried out most of ht efighting. Sekhukhune was captured[1]


  1. ^ Lester, Alan; Boehme, Kate; Mitchell, Peter (7 January 2021). Ruling the World: Freedom, Civilisation and Liberalism in the Nineteenth-Century British Empire. Cambridge University Press. p. 331. ISBN 978-1-108-42620-6.