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User:Dsadan/Capitol Outdoor

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Capitol Outdoor

Capitol Outdoor is an outdoor advertising company with a strong presence in Washington, DC. [1] The company focuses on traditional out-of-home media such as wallscapes and billboards, and holds high profile locations in Washington, DC, such as DC's largest outdoor sign (40' tall by 150' wide), which is mounted on RFK Stadium.[2] It also offers a one-of-a-kind full stadium wrap of the World Team Tennis Washington Kastles Stadium.

Although Capitol Outdoor is headquartered in Washington, DC (its most established market) it also has a foothold in other top-30 markets such as San Francisco, Philadelphia (including Atlantic City), Pittsburgh, Baltimore, and Detroit. Starting in 2007, Capitol Outdoor entered an aggressive growth stage, during which it virtually quadrupled its holdings despite the recession that ensued after the national real estate and stock market bust.

The company is co-owned by Christopher Tavlarides, who is active in Washington, DC's business and philanthropic worlds. [3] His holdings have diversified over the years, from outdoor advertising to other industries. He is now an investor in other DC-based companies such as the Bank of Georgetown, and the World Team Tennis franchise, Washington Kastles (featuring players Venus and Serena Williams). He is also Executive Producer of “The Good Son” scheduled for release in 2013, and former Board of Directors of the Washington Regional Alcohol Program, as well as a former Arena Stage Board Member. His other film-related investments include Snagfilms and Indiewire, as well as Venga.


Christopher Tavlarides and John Polis started Interior Displays, Inc in 1990, which specialized in restaurant and bar advertising. The entity ran profitably for 15 years. They then started Sales Displays in 1996, which still operates 8-sheet advertising displays in Washington, DC today.

Capitol Outdoor, LLC divested a majority of its assets to New Century Holdings LLC in 2006, while Capitol Outdoor Marketing, LLC divested assets to Fuel Outdoor, an Ochs Ziff Portfolio Company in 2007. The entity still exists, and is the operating company and managing partner with New Century Holdings.

In 2012, Christopher Tavlarides who is also co-founder of Sophia Entertainment Group, co-produced a nationally[4] and internationally[5] award-winning documentary film, called "The Good Son: The Life of Ray Boom Boom Mancini". The movie hit theaters nationwide in August 2013, and was featured in major media networks both in the US (such as the Los Angeles Times[6] and The Washington Post[7]) and abroad (such as Yonhap News Agency[8]). The movie was acquired by NBC Sports, and SnagFilms distribution company[9].


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