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Elizabeth LaPensée - Naomi Worob’s Peer Review

  • Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you?

All that is there seems relevant. There are a couple of ideas that are repeated, but I think you are still editing (as we all are) so I am not worried about them.

  • Is the article neutral? Are there any claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position?

I don't see any problems with how the content is framed.

  • Are there viewpoints that are overrepresented, or underrepresented?

Nope! I think as you flesh out the article more it will feel more balanced as well.

  • Check the citations. Do the links work? Does the source support the claims in the article?

All the citations work. It seems like there is a lot of content in these citations that is not represented in this article—a lot of good material.

  • Is each fact supported by an appropriate, reliable reference? Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted?

References are good! I bet because she is in academia that there are some more good articles out there that aren't listed here.

  • Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that should be added?

All information seems relevant. I think you just need to add more of the content that is out there to this page! Elizabeth LaPensee sounds like a cool person! I'm looking forward to learning more!

Thank you Naomi! This was really helpful.