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Duel and Non Duel Nature of Indian Philosophy and Planck's Constant as Soul


The given topic is about the corelation between the waves and body. The Indian philosophy tells us that the soul is constant and if we search about the constant then the Planck's constant is quite compatible. Poet Vashishtha told to Ram Ji on a question by him whether there is any difference between men and women, then Vashishtha ji said that there is no difference at the level of the soul (Yog Vashistha by Balmiki). This difference is only due to the influence of nature and composition of the body. But without this, the question what is the soul and where it is, it is difficult to understand what life has been. Debroglie’s view such as substances are of dual in nature and the idea of Planck constant are the main features behind the strange and amazing world of quantum mechanics and being transscultural. We were also able to understand Duality and Non duality theory of Madhavacharya ji and Shankaracharya ji respectively, while it was given before Debroglie and Planck. Any microscopic, atomic or subatomic particle has the properties of wave and matter and if the matter is microscopic so it moves like a wave. Due to this subtle property, it is possible to measure the wave speed generated but as the size of the material becomes large, it is not easy to measure the wave speed. In this, the size of matter can be considered as non-dual on larger consideration and dual on smaller consideration. Before this, Krishn ji has said in Bhagwat Gita that the soul is ageless and indestructible or which cannot be destroyed or changed. This means it is constant. There are two types of constants, first in the current environment and second that is universal constants. Planck content is very useful to understand the nature of waves in matter and energy-rich particles or to fill the property of waves in micro or macro particles or to become wavelike. It is necessary to become wavelike in order to convert matter into consciousness. The soul is necessary for the body to remain duel as wave like and matter. Planck's constant is necessary for an energetic micro particle to become a wave like. The smallest packet of energy is the photon and Planck's constant is needed to understand the wave nature of the photon particle. The wave speed of the photon is spontaneous and the wave like nature of the living body is also spontaneous. Soul is the cause of spontaneous motion in the living body and Planck's constant is the cause of spontaneous motion in the photon. The quality of the body being large is extensive, that means the mass depends on the sum of the subtle particles. The Planck’s constant is special intensive in nature.This constant has a fixed numerical value which does not change anywhere in this universe. Planck's constant (h) and Boltzmann's constant (k) are related to energy, which serve as constants in quantum mechanics and classical mechanics. The Boltzmann constant does not explain the wave-like nature of matter, while the Planck constant explains the wave-like nature of matter. If the soul of a photon with wave motion is Planck's constant, then the soul of a cell with wave motion will also be Planck's constant. The energy source at living Sun is also spontaneous in nature for self wave motion. Dr Ramesh Baboo, Lucknow, India