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Article Evaluation (Knee Replacement Article)


Is everything in the article relevant to the article topic? Is there anything that distracted you? Everything in the article was relevant, however I would have liked to see more information on post-operative care, especially from the nursing standpoint. Much of the journey for TKA is the nursing care and the healing process.

Is the article neutral? Are there an claims, or frames, that appear heavily biased toward a particular position? The article is neutral and doesn't have a side that it is supporting. No claims are made in the article without a source to back up the statement.

Are there viewpoints that are over-represented, or underrepresented? No views are over-represented but I believe one aspect that is underrepresented is the post-operative care and the role nurses play in that and the healing process that occurs after surgery

Check a few citations. Do the links work? Does the source support the claims in the article? The links that I clicked on all worked and were credible sources.

Is each fact referenced with an appropriate, reliable reference? Where does the information come from? Are these neutral sources? If biased, is that bias noted? The facts are mostly followed by references, while some were not. The ones with no reference immediately after them had references in other parts of the paragraph that I believe included that information. The sources were neutral with a majority of them being research articles or scientific journals. No biases were noticed.

Is any information out of date? Is anything missing that could be added? Nothing was out of date that I noticed.

Check out the Talk page of the article. What kinds of conversations, if any, are going on behind the scenes about how to represent this topic? The discussions in the talk section discuss additions that can be made in certain sections of the article, as well as discussion of including certain sources and personal experiences of knee replacements.

How is the article rated? Is it a part of any WikiProjects? This is not rated and is not on the WikiProjects page.

How does the way Wikipedia discusses this topic differ from the way we've talked about it in class? The wikipedia page gives very blunt facts about the information whereas class is more in depth discussions about care, methods of care, and properties associated with care.

Improving Articles: Week 5


1.) Knee Replacement Knee_replacement This article included a lot of medical terminology. I understand the main point of the article was to discuss the process of knee replacements but there is information on nursing care that would have been vital to include, especially in the post-operative rehabilitation section. This is exactly why I decided to edit this article, being that I was in a pre/post op orthopedic unit and was able to see the importance of nursing care. I also think the article could have included much more statistics and real accounts of patients/doctors. The Talk page had great resources from patients/doctors that they suggested be on the article.

2.) Smoking cessation Smoking_cessation The article was written very well but some things I would correct. It mentions other therapies, like nicotine and e-cigs, to stop smoking tobacco but then it fails to mention the risks and the addictive qualities of those products as well. I would have liked to see some source of that research. To me, the article sometimes gives the impression that smoking cessation only includes tobacco and if you eventually quit smoking tobacco you have then finished but in reality the goal is to stop using nicotine/smoking products completely. The electronic cigarette is by no means a safe alternative to a cigarette so I would have liked to see more data on that. The methods section is overwhelming to read and would turn a normal reader off to wanting to read more. Finally, I saw no resources for individuals who were interested in smoking cessation, which I think would help tremendously on this a page of such topic. Individuals who looked this article up are most likely interested in the topic so having those resources there for someone who is especially trying to undergo smoking cessation would find that beneficial.

Editing An Existing Article: Week 7


As I previously stated above, there are some aspects of the knee replacement Knee_replacement article that could use improvement and editing. Post operative nursing care is a vital part of knee replacement therapy that was left out in the appropriate section. I would add more information on nursing care, the benefits, the reduced costs, and the patient outcomes all supported with early ambulation.

Bibliography Brownback, C. A., Fletcher, P., Pierce, L. N., & Klaus, S. (2014). Early mobility activities during continuous renal replacement therapy. American Journal of Critical Care, 23(4), 348-351. doi:10.4037/ajcc2014889 Havey, R., Herriman, E., & Oʼbrien, D. (2013). Guarding the gut. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 36(1), 63-72. doi:10.1097/cnq.0b013e3182753237 Henecke, L., Hessler, K. L., & Lalonde, T. (2015). Inpatient ambulation. JONA: The Journal of Nursing Administration, 45(6), 339-344. doi:10.1097/nna.0000000000000209 Leah, S. L., & Sharon, D. (Eds.). (2013). Foreword. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 36(1), 1-2. doi:10.1097/cnq.0b013e3182750631 Lord, R. K., Mayhew, C. R., Korupolu, R., Mantheiy, E. C., Friedman, M. A., Palmer, J. B., & Needham, D. M. (2013). ICU early physical rehabilitation programs. Critical Care Medicine, 41(3), 717-724. doi:10.1097/ccm.0b013e3182711de2 Teodoro, C. R., Breault, K., Garvey, C., Klick, C., O'Brien, J., Purdue, T., . . . & Matney, L. (2016). STEP-UP: Study of the effectiveness of a patient ambulation protocol. STEP-UP: Study of the Effectiveness of a Patient Ambulation Protocol, 25, 111-116. Retrieved October 15, 2017, from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.gvsu.edu/docview/1783549708?accountid=39473

Draft for Editing an Article


Benefits of Early Ambulation:

For post-operative knee replacement patients, immobility is a factor precipitated by pain and other complications. Mobility is known as an important aspect of human biology that has many beneficial effects on the body system [1]. It is well documented in literature that physical immobility affects every body system and contributes to functional complications of prolonged illness [2]. In most medical-surgical hospital units that perform knee replacements, ambulation is a key aspect of nursing care that is promoted to patients. Early ambulation can decrease the risk of complications associated with immobilization such as pressure ulcers, deep vein thrombosis (DVT), impaired pulmonary function, and loss of functional mobility [3]. Nurses’ promotion and execution of early ambulation on patients has found that it greatly reduces the complications listed above, as well as decreases length of stay and costs associated with further hospitalization [4].Nurses may also work with teams such as physical therapy and occupational therapy to accomplish ambulation goals and reduce complications [5].

  1. ^ (Leah, 2013)
  2. ^ (Leah, 2013)
  3. ^ (Teodoro, 2016)
  4. ^ (Teodoro, 2016)
  5. ^ (Ong & Pua, 2011)

Final Reflective Essay


Critiquing articles: What did you learn about Wikipedia during the article evaluation? How did you approach critiquing the article you selected for this assignment? How did you decide what to add to your chosen article?

I learned a lot about the background processes of Wikipedia and how easy it is to edit and article but how difficult it is to do it properly. I approached the article I critiqued by trying to look for errors that we discussed in class while also thinking about what I would have liked to be included as a reader. I decided to add the information on early ambulation and nursing care in the article because it was such a vital part of my clinical rotation and theory concepts. Without this information, the article lacked a part of knee replacements that was informative and contributing to the article as a whole.

Summarizing your contributions: include a summary of your edits and why you felt they were a valuable addition to the article. How does your article compare to earlier versions?

I added information on mobility and immobilization of TKA patients because it was not discussed in the depth I would have like it to be at as a reader. I also thought the article should mention nursing care, as the article mentioned PT and OT rehabilitation and did not include the vital nursing care that comes with early ambulation. I believe the article will be much more complete in that section and people reading it will be able to appreciate the nursing side of knee replacements.

Peer Review: If your class did peer review, include information about the peer review process. What did you contribute in your review of your peers article? What did your peers recommend you change on your article?

As a portion of our assignments on Wikipedia, we had to review some of the additions our class mates were making to the articles they were editing. I have not yet had the chance to review an article of my peer.

Feedback: Did you receive feedback from other Wikipedia editors, and if so, how did you respond to and handle that feedback?

A peer has yet to review my article but I hope they do so I can receive valuable feedback.

Wikipedia generally: What did you learn from contributing to Wikipedia? How does a Wikipedia assignment compare to other assignments you've done in the past? How can Wikipedia be used to improve public understanding of our field/your topic? Why is this important?

This assignment was challenging and I felt it lacked some organization but overall I thought it was interesting and fun to know how to put information out there for everyone to read. I believe it also helped with knowing how to professionally communicate accurate and effective information, as well as analyze other individuals posts and see how they are lacking and can be improved. Overall, Wikipedia is a great source because there is so many checks & balances associated with posting information.