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User:Donald Trung/List of Vietnamese cash coins by inscription/Things to improve

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This page serves as a list of improvements I have to made to the "List of (official and semi-official) cash coins" at "Vietnamese cash" based on research in various reference works and from feedback from experts.

Improvements to be made


This is a list of improvements and corrections that I still need to add to the list in the “Vietnamese cash” article:

Pink text Fuchsia text = Indicates that this is a misattributed cash coin (these cash coins were noted by historical sources or standard catalogues but later turned out to be misattributed).

Orange Yellow text Gold text Indicates that this is a fake or fantasy referenced by Eduardo Toda y Güell in his Annam and its Minor Currency (pdf), the possible existence of these cash coins have not been verified by any later works.

Thing to improve
Le 986 (single character rev. below) eliminate listing. It is an error, if such a genuine coin exists.
Phù Nguyên Bảo this is listed in Barker but his example is a private issue of about 1580.

No dynastic coin exists.

Thiên Cảm Nguyên Bảo I have apparently given the wrong time period. Bruce Griffith claims that it is actually 1044-1048.
Thiên Cảm Thông Bảo these are fake.
Thiên Phù Thông Bảo the coin shown is not recognized to be this, is probably private. If I Include it, I was requested by Bruce Griffith to note "uncertain attribution". Bruce Griffith suggested to me to not show it at all.
Thiên Phù Nguyên Bảo this is a private issue of the 1600's.
Đại Định Thông Bảo (中) this reign title has been used many other times, but no Ly Dynasty issues were made.
Chính Long Nguyên Bảo this is a private coin of the late 1500's-1600's. No Ly issue exists.
Thiên Tư Thông Bảo this is a fantasy created by Toda. He knew dynastic coins existed but had not seen them, and did not know the correct inscription.
Trị Bình Thông Bảo (中) this is a private coin, many of them actually, from the 1500's -1800's
Trị Bình Nguyên Bảo the coin I have apparently shown is Chinese. The one shown in Barker is widely accepted to be the correct one, but it is a private coin of leaded brass from 1550-1600, probably China. One of the scarcer varieties usually believed to be Chinese may actually be the correct Ly coin. One is posted at Zeno.
Hàm Bình Nguyên Bảo[37] this is a private coin from the 1500's having nothing to do with the Ly Dynasty.
Đại Định Thông Bảo (中) despite Barker listing this as dynastic, it is private from the mid-1500's. No dynastic cash coins apparently exist for this reign.
Hi Nguyên Thông Bảo this is part of a set of private coins which do not belong to the rebel sometimes attributed.
Thiên Thánh Nguyên Bảo attribution of these coins is doubtful. The photo I added, it is of a later common private coin, in any case.
Thiệu Nguyên Thông Bảo this is one of a series of private coins similar to the official Ho style. No such reign title existed.
Hán Nguyên Thông Bảo (中) private issue of the early 1600's, reign title copies China.
Hán Nguyên Thánh Bảo were probably later-made private issues.
Thiên Bình Thông Bảo a Ming trade cash cast about 1590 at Quanzhou, Fujian if this refers to Barker 126.

Bruce Griffith doesn't seem to know what Toda was drawing if the characters are in that position.

Vĩnh Ninh Thông Bảo discussed by Barker page 96. Probably a fantasy but should be in orange.
Giao Chỉ Thông Bảo this is unknown to Bruce Griffith.
An Pháp Nguyên Bảo this is not a Le Loi issue. It is a private type, issued by several places.
Chánh Pháp Nguyên Bảo this is a private issue from about 1600. Has no relation to Le Loi.
Trị Thánh Nguyên Bảo not Le Loi. See Barker page 249 and number 112 for a discussion of this particular illustration.This piece is brass, issued about 1750-1850.
Trị Thánh Bình Bảo various private issues after 1600.
Thái Pháp Bình Bảo unknown coin to Bruce Griffith. Bruce Griffith told me that it should either be orange or not listed at all.
Thánh Quan Thông Bảo a rare private coin made during a brief Tran restoration early 1500's. It is not tin and lead, but a hard white bronze composition.