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In Catalan mythology, Nitus are small matter, impossible to describe by their smallness, which fall into a person's ear and go to the brain. They do not kill, but are said to feed like maggots on the memory and create tiredness and forgetfulness.  Catalan mythology falls into the belief of how water and Nymphs created unusual shaped mountains and many other land forms. The term "nymphs" refers to a vast range of weaker female goddesses in Greek mythology. The nymphs were typically attached to waterways or to living, expanding objects like trees. Even though they weren't eternal, they lived very long lives and favored men in general.

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In Catalan mythology, Nitus are small matter, impossible to describe by their smallness, which fall into a person's ear and go to the brain. They do not kill, but are said to feed like maggots on the memory and create tiredness and forgetfulness.  Catalan mythology falls into the belief of how water and Nymphs created unusual shaped mountains and many other land forms. The term "nymphs" refers to a vast range of weaker female goddesses in Greek mythology. The nymphs were typically attached to waterways or to living, expanding objects like trees. Even though they weren't eternal, they lived very long lives and favored men in general.



Cillian Shields and Alan Ruiz Terol | BarcelonaFirst published: October 2, et al. “The Devil's Bridge, Catalan Mythology Brought to Life.” Catalan News, https://www.catalannews.com/culture/item/the-devil-s-bridge-catalan-mythology-brought-to-life#:~:text=Many%20of%20the%20stories%20commonly,particular%20water%20nymphs%20appear%20regularly.

“Nitus.” DBpedia, https://dbpedia.org/page/Nitus.

“Nymph.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 13 Mar. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/topic/nymph-Greek-mythology#:~:text=nymph%2C%20in%20Greek%20mythology%2C%20any,whole%20kindly%20disposed%20toward%20men.