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Hi, I am Dhananjay Joshi, "Electronic Engineer" by degree and "Software Engineer" by profession. My interests rang from India , Indian history, World History, Meaning of Life ,Philosophy , self awareness, to c# , latest Technology etc.

All my life I was a bad student, never learned any thing form a teacher(by authority) in a cube like room with 60 other dummy like me.

what ever I have learned is through "hard way", and through friends and teachers (by my choice) and through things like Wikipedia.

I think Wikipedia is very important to people like me who want to know "things", things about this world , things about some company or organization etc etc etc.

I believe Wikipedia is a notice board, which should have a balanced view about the "object" of the "articles" and we as a users and consumer of wikipedia should not allow salesmans to use Wikipedia as a bill board for there company.

I am very active in using Wikipedia to protect unaware people in falling trap of big companies. my Motto is to inform all the bad things about an organization(true bad things), to its prospective customers, so that costumer can take an informed decision (because no salesman will every tell you that our product is bad)


Articles Started by me

Articles, in which I have had substantial input

Patrolling Duty

To delete or not, that is the question


My Lab

My Sandbox