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User:Djflem/Linden Cogen

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Linden Cogen in Linden, New Jersey is a gas-fired cogeneration facility with an aggregate total capacity of 1,034.9 MW (nameplate) located within Phillips66 Company’s Bayway Refinery, owned by Cogen Technologies Linden Venture, L.P, an affiliate of GE Energy Financial Services, Inc., The plant provides electricity under contract with Consolidated Edison and electricity and process steam to the refinery. It comprises five operating units (“Linden 1-5”), with a capacity of 822.4 MW (nameplate), connected to the New York Bulk Power system operated by New York Independent System Operator (NYISO), and an additional operating unit (“Linden 6”), with a capacity of 212.5 MW (nameplate), connected to the transmission system operated by PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. (“PJM”), that operate in an integrated combined cycle mode. The Plant provides installed capacity to NYISO with a current Capacity Resource Interconnection Service (“CRIS”) rating of 753.3 MW (summer) and 800 MW (winter).

The Plant is a cogeneration facility that uses natural gas to sequentially and economically provide electricity to Con Ed and electricity and process steam to the refinery. Con Ed has informed Linden that it does not intend to exercise an option to extend its contract with the Plant which expires at the end of April 2017.

The Phillips66’s Bayway Refinery is the principal source for transportation fuels, such as gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel, residual fuel oil and home heating oil in the New York Metropolitan Area and distributes these refined products to East Coast customers via barges, trucks, pipelines and railcars. )


to the transmission system operated by PJM Interconnection, Inc. (“PJM”) and Linden VFT, a merchant transmission line under the operational control of PJM that provides 315 MW of bi- directional electricity transfer capability between PJM and Con Ed’s Goethals substation on Staten Island in NYISO Zone J.4

The Linden Complex is interconnected with the transmission grids operated by NYISO and PJM and has reliably provided capacity, energy and ancillary services to New York for more than twenty years (since 1992) and to PJM for more than ten years (since 2002).

http://www.powermag.com/linden-generating-station-linden-new-jersey/ https://www.pseg.com/family/power/fossil/stations/linden.jsp http://www.gasandoil.com/news/n_america/662f0404230a2f74f170c01d12f9baf8

