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General information (edit · changes)
  • I'm a student of medicine from Split, Croatia, a city on the eastern shore of the Adriatic Sea. I'm a Croat by nationality and am exceedingly fond of the sea, which is just as well, I suppose, since Dalmatia is (in my humble opinion) one of the most amazing parts of the Mediterranean (during the summer months, of course, in winter it sucks :P)
Serious Interests
  • I'm interested in a wide variety of subjects, though Medicine is my primary focus. The rest are amateurish pursuits, with the notable exception of History which is my second "love" (especially local history and military history of World War II).

My interests include:

Cardinal views
  • From a philosophical point of view, I hold that there is only one truth, it always exists. We either already are, or we can and will be aware of it at some point in the future.
  • A nation's economic welfare is absolutely paramount. All else is secondary.
  • Nothing (especially knowledge) is beyond the reach of the Human Race (we're great! :)
  • God, Allah, Brahma, Zeus, Amon-Ra and all others are fictional characters created to comfort and control the Human Race. (No offense intended to any real persons, of course...)
  • Nobody is neutral. Absolute neutrality and objectivity of thought on a tough issue is an ideal to aspire to, not a real state of mind. Everyone is allowed to have his/her opinion, it is what they do that should be scrutinized for neutrality - and there, in our actions, it can come closest to the ideal. To be objective and neutral, to be above the instincts that cloud your judgment - that is one of the highest aspirations one can have, it is one of the greatest prizes sentience can award us, and the only foundation for knowledge and understanding.