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I am editing Dinosaurs, birds, reptiles, mammals & fish. Im editing a lot of prehistoric animal pages. You can help edit them. Click here to edit one I really need help with. I like giving users head starts on new articles.




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enThis user is a native speaker of the English language.
SIThis user uses the metric system and loves it.
abcThis user eats M&Ms.
This user can write very clearly in Simple English.
This user does not like iPods.
This user can lick his/her own elbow.
es-2Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel intermedio de español.
fr-3Cet utilisateur peut contribuer avec un niveau avancé de français.
ca-4El nivell d'aquest usuari correspon al d'un parlant natiu del català.
This user eats apples.

http://pokemon.marriland.com/ccpreview.php əəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəə

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     |----|       |------| rchaeopteryx is my favorite aricle on Wikipedia.

Main Aricle


Welcome to User:Dinote's main page. Please be free to comment on my talk page. Also be free to help me with editing prehistoric bird articles from the list in the Fossil birds article. I am helping with paleo-bird articles.



Birds are one of my favorite topics. I have about a billion bird books where I live. After arthropods and fish, birds make up the 3 largest group of animals.