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User:DeutschTranslationGB234/Nothing But Thieves

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Final term project for presentation on 21.1

Criteria for project

  • 7-10 minutes
  • At least 300 words of translation

English band page

German band page

Italian band page



What I have translated, and why I chose to translate it

  • I've translated from English into German and Italian parts of the article on an English rockband called Nothing But Thieves
  • The parts I chose to translate were the introduction, and a new section that had been added to the English page when they released a new album at the end of October called Moral Panic
    • I've played this album so much during my time here, and I feel it's a bit of a symbol for having this semester.
  • In terms of why this article would be worth translating for the German and Italian audience, my main reason was that the band has been famous in England, and their music been used in various Netflix shows and some EA sports games, which reach a global audience, so it may be interesting for them to read about this band. Whilst researching about the band's tour dates, I found that that the band is planning on performing 10 times in the UK this year, and 9 times in Germany, so they obviously have some sort of German following.

How have I gone about translating it

  • So like I said, I translated the English introduction and section on their new album as this information was in neither the German nor Italian article. I also then included their planned tour dates for this year. I changed the locations of their tour that I included depending on the language. So for Germany I included all German shows, and also shows in Switzerland, Austria, and one in Luxembourg, and I did the same for the Italian for their shows in Italy.

What have I learnt from this translation

Translation troubles

  • With this article, the translation itself wasn't too tricky, a lot of dates saying when specific singles were released at so on (important when changing languages to make note that German uses imperfect, Italian the past perfect).
  • I had some problems with where to include the album/single titles in German, since in English you can use apposition (comma breaks in sentences), but you can't really do that here in German. So I looked up this band I knew, Kraftklub, and I looked at their page, which just included the titles in italics and carried on with the sentences. The Italian was much simpler in terms of word order, it's much more flexible than German.
  • I had a bit of trouble was translating one little section, where it says "performing quarantined-styled live versions", I went with "spielten sowohl Quarantäne-mäßige Liveversionen", but wasn't entirely sure of this. Got -mäßig when I looked it up in the dictionary, though there was also "auf -art". For the Italian I didn't know how to do this so I just simplified it to "versioni live in quarantena" (live versions in quarantine)

Wikipedia tech issues

  • German: Needs to get approved by a more senior user, though still published. I had problems with the references, that's why it says there's been 4 changes that need to be approved. Found it much easier to make the references with the visual editor, but then ran into problems, as I had references mixing themselves up. Solve the problems with the source editor ie deleted code and started again.
  • Italian: Does a captcha test to make sure you're human before publication.
  • With our little translation box that we've been putting in the discussion page, it's built for the english wikipedia. So I initially tried copying and pasting that into the german discussion page but obviously it didn't work. So I just wrote a little message and put my signature with the ~~~~ , it put my name and exact date/time
  • Wikipedia:Babel

Reaction from wikipedia

  • Even though I uploaded this translations on Sunday, unfortunately I havn't heard anything from anyone on either page. I guess this is because the German and Italian wikipedias aren't as large as the English one and doesn't have as many users constantly searching for updates to check on.
  • Though I did find this legendary user, Dennis_Radaelli, who translated/edited Moral Panic album page into Italian, so there's actually now more on the album on wiki in Italian than in English. Has made edits on all of the band's Italian pages (main page and albums).

Parts to translate

English German Italian
Nothing but Thieves are an English rock band, formed in 2012 in Southend-on-Sea, Essex. They consist of lead vocalist and guitarist Conor Mason, guitarist Joe Langridge-Brown, guitarist and keyboardist Dominic Craik, bassist Philip Blake, and drummer James Price. In 2014, they signed to RCA Records and a year later in October 2015, they released their self-titled debut album.[1] Their second album, Broken Machine was released in September 2017, receiving wide acclaim in addition to peaking at number 2 in the UK album charts. They released an EP entitled What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way? in October 2018. Their third studio album, Moral Panic , was released in October 2020.

Their style of music has been compared to the likes of Foals, Civil Twilight, and Royal Blood.

Nothing but Thieves ist eine britische Rockband aus Southend-on-Sea, die 2012 gegründet wurde. Sie sitzt sich aus dem Leadsänger und Gitarrist Conor Mason, Gitarrist Joe Langridge-Brown, Gitarrist und Keyboarder Dominic Craik, Bassist Philip Blake und Schlagzeuger James Price zusammen. 2014 unterschrieben sie einen Vertrag mit RCA Records und ein Jahr später, im Oktober 2015, veröffentlichten sie ihr namengebendes Album. Ihr zweites Album, Broken Machine, wurde im September 2017 veröffentlicht und erhielt viel Lob. Es erreichte den zweiten Platz der britisischen Albumcharts. Sie veröffentlichten im Oktober 2018 eine EP mit dem Titel What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way? Ihr drittes Studioalbum Moral Panic wurde im Oktober 2020 veröffentlicht.

Ihr Musikstil wurde mit Foals, Civil Twilight und Royal Blood verglichen.

I Nothing but Thieves sono un gruppo musicale rock alternativo britannico formatosi a Southend-on-Sea, Essex, nel 2012. Constano della voce principale e chitarrista Conor Mason, chitarrista Joe Langridge-Brown, chitarrista e tastierista Dominic Craik, bassista Philip Blake e batterista James Price. Nel 2014 hanno firmato con la RCA Records e un anno dopo, nell'ottobre 2015, hanno pubblicato il loro album di debutto eponimo. Il loro secondo album, Broken Machine, è stato rilasciato nel settembre 2017, ricevendo ampi consensi oltre a raggiungere il numero 2 nell'UK Albums Chart. Hanno pubblicato l'EP intitolato What Did You Think When You Made Me This Way? nell'ottobre 2018. Il loro terzo album in studio, Moral Panic, è stato pubblicato nell'ottobre 2020.

Il loro stile musicale è stato paragonato a quelli di Foals, Civil Twilight e Royal Blood.

On 18 March 2020, the first single of their, at the time unnamed, third studio album was released, named "Is Everybody Going Crazy?". On 23 June 2020, the band announced that their third album, titled Moral Panic would be released on 23 October 2020, alongside the release of the second single from the album, "Real Love Song", on the same day.[2] With two new singles and no opportunities to play them in front of an audience, they started the ‘Solitude Sessions’, performing quarantined-styled live versions of these songs as well as tracks from their back catalogue.[3] 

On 28 August 2020, the band released their third single from the album, “Unperson”. On 14 September 2020, the album's fourth single "Impossible" was released.

Am 18. März 2020 wurde die erste Single Is Everybody Going Crazy? aus ihrem damals noch titellos dritten Studioalbum veröffentlicht. Am 23. Juni 2020 gab die Band bekannt, dass am 23. Oktober 2020 ihr drittes Album Moral Panic veröffentlicht wäre. Die zweite Single von dem Album wurde am gleichen Tag veröffentlicht, die Real Love Song heißt. Mit zwei neuen Singles und keine Möglichkeiten, die vor einem Publikum aufzuspielen, begannen sie die 'Solitude Sessions' und spielten sowohl Quarantäne-mäßige Liveversionen der Lieder als auch ihre alte Lieder. Am 28. August 2020 veröffentlichten die Band Unperson, ihre dritte Single von dem Album . Am 14. September 2020 wurde die vierte Single Impossible veröffentlicht. Il 18 marzo 2020 è stato pubblicato il primo singolo del loro terzo album in studio, a quel tempo senza nome, intitolato Is Everybody Going Crazy? Il 23 giugno 2020, la band ha annunciato che il loro terzo album, intitolato Moral Panic, sarebbe stato pubblicato il 23 ottobre 2020, insieme al lancio del secondo singolo dall'album lo stesso giorno, Real Love Song. Con due nuovi singoli e nessuna possibilità di suonarli di fronte a un pubblico, hanno iniziato le "Solitude Sessions", eseguendo versioni live in quarantena delle canzoni e anche di lori canzioni più vecchi. Il 28 agosto 2020, la band ha pubblicato il terzo singolo dall'album, "Unperson". Il 14 settembre 2020 è stato pubblicato il quarto singolo dell'album "Impossible".

The band plan to continue touring in 2021. In terms of summer festivals, they plan to perform at Nova Rock in Austria, as well as the Hurricane and Southside Festivals in Scheeßel and Neuhausen Ob Eck respectively in June. They will also perform their European tour, performing around the end of October in Germany, with planned concerts at Schlachtof (Wiesbaden) Täubchenthal (Leipzig), Columbiahalle (Berlin), TonHalle (Munich), Halle 622 (Zürich), den Atelier (Luxembourg City), and Palladium (Köln).[4]


The band plan to continue touring in 2021. In terms of summer festivals, they plan to perform at Nova Rock in Austria, as well as the Hurricane and Southside Festivals in Germany in June. They will also perform their European tour, performing around the beginning of November in Italy, with a planned concert at Fabrique in Milan.[4]

Die Band plant weiter im Jahr 2021 auf Tournee zu gehen. Bezüglich der Musikfestivals planen sie im Juni beim Nova Rock in Österreich sowie beim Hurricane Festival in Scheessel und beim Southside Festival in Neuhausen Ob Eck aufzutreten. Sie werden auch ihre Europa-Tournee auftreten, etwa Ende Oktober in Deutschland mit geplanten Konzerten in Wiesbaden (Schlachtof), Leipzig (Täubchenthal), Berlin (Columbiahalle), München (TonHalle) und Köln (Palladium), sowie in Zürich (Halle 622) und Luxemburg-Stadt (den Atelier). La band ha in programma di continuare il tour nel 2021. In termini di festival estivi, hanno in programma di esibirsi al Nova Rock in Austria, così come all'Hurricane e al Southside Festivals in Germania a giugno. Si esibiranno anche nella loro tournée europea, verso l'inizio di novembre in Italia, con un concerto programmato al Fabrique di Milano.


  1. ^ Buckley, Kelly (17 July 2014). "We've just been signed to the same record label as Pharrell Williams and David Bowie". echo-news.co.uk. Retrieved 11 May 2015.
  2. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 23 June 2020. Retrieved 23 June 2020.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link)
  3. ^ "Nothing But Thieves On New LP: "There are some real curveballs"".
  4. ^ a b "Tour Dates". Nothing But Thieves. 15 January 2021.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)