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I just want to sit here and feed my birds

That Good Shit[edit]

An image of a salad in its platonic form, which is to say, a plate full of leaves.
This is a salad salad, not a tuna salad.

Pure Items[edit]

Good Lists[edit]

Just Good Stuff To Know About[edit]

Surprisingly Deep Articles[edit]

Beneath the Earth[edit]

Minor Items[edit]

Things that are funny or interesting, but not good enough shit to really be heartily classed That Good Shit

Earth Sciences[edit]

A formation of pale blue Aquamarine crystals
Aquamarine, a variety of Beryl.


Key articles to unlocking mineral knowledge.


The Math Zone[edit]

A computer rendering of a three-dimensional extension of a Koch curve. It is a pinkish, triangular, crystalline structure riven with self-similar divides. It looks like a gem that has cracked like old dry earth, or a triangular geometric brain.
You know, Math? Heard of it?





Eclectic Specifics[edit]

Less about linguistics in general, more about linguistic phenomena.


  • Eggcorn - "all intensive purposes" instead of "all intents and purposes"
  • Mondegreen - "Laid him on the green" / "Lady Mondegreen"


Wikimedia Commons[edit]

Kunstformen der Natur

Miscellaneous Groupings[edit]

Wikipedia Articles Whose Titles Are Sentences[edit]
