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4 Schhols Of thoughs Deen e Islam, In our opinion is deen e kaamil which caters all human needs for soul and body in accordance with the nature of human and the will of nature.

Within Islam there are different school of thoughts which interpret the system as per their beliefs and hierarchy of references.

The main among these school of thoughts are four,

1. Ahl-e-Sunnah

2- Ahl-e-Hadis

3- Ahl-e-Tashie

4- Ahl-e-Hikmah

Ahl-e-Sunnah: This School of thought is primarily based on the followings of Quran And sunnah which are inscribed in main 6 and dozens of other books of Hadees. They have Four Imaams, whom they follow blindly and are called Muqallad.

The crux is, According to Sunni school of thought, All is allowed in Islam which is not prohibited by Quran and Hadis. they focus on Nawaahi. Universe is created by God only for the love of Prophet.

Ahl-e-Hadis: This School of thought is primarily based on the followings of Quran And Hadees which are inscribed in main 6 but 2 basically among those 6 books of Hadees, called Sahiheen. They have No Imaams, whom to follow blindly and are called non-Muqallad.

The crux is, According to Ahl-e-Hadees school of thought, All is Prohibited in Islam which is not allowed by Quran and Hadis. They focus of Amr. God ceated this universe to make his laws implemented and for Gods obedience.

Ahl-e-tashie: This School of thought is primarily based on the followings of Quran And Imaams, which are slected by God in parallel with the Prophet. They have Fourteen Imaams, whom they follow blindly and are called Muqallad.

The crux is, According to Shia school of thought, Islam is all whatever is told by Imaams who are the descndants Of the prophet Of God. And the universe is created for these people.

Ahl-e-hikmah: This School of thought is primarily based on the followings of Quran as per the philosophy of Quran. They have none to follow. But follow the evolving interpretations of the quran in line with the modern researches as the knowledge grows always with time.

The crux is, According to Ahl-e-Hikmah school of thought, Quran, Nature, and wisdom are the sources of guidline. And evolution of the humanity is the objective.