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User:Debora.ds/Civil servant in Indonesia

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Civil Servant
Indonesia Civil Servant Logo
NamesPegawai Negeri Sipil
Occupation type
Administration ( Executor)
High Leadership[1]
Activity sectors
State bureaucracy
Fields of
Government agencies, both central government and regional government.
Related jobs

In Indonesia, Civil Servants (PNS) is one element of the State Civil Apparatus (ASN). Since the enactment of Law Number 5 of 2014, ASN employees consist of two types, namely civil servants who are appointed as permanent employees and Government Employees with Working Agreements (PPPK) who are appointed according to the needs of government agencies.

As of June 30 2021, the number of civil servants in Indonesia was 4,081,824 people, consisting of 2,143,065 women (53%) and 1,938,759 men (47%). As many as 77% of them work in regional government agencies, while the remaining 23% work in central government agencies. Around 11% hold structural positions, 51% hold functional positions, and 38% hold executive positions. The number of civil servants in Indonesia has continued to decline since 2016.[2]



Before independence


During the Dutch occupation, the establishment of the Hoofden School (school for leaders) between 1865 and 1878 marked the beginning of education for civil servants (PNS) in Indonesia (formerly called ambtenaar). In 1900, the colonial government changed Hoofden School to Opleiding School Voor Inlandsche Ambtenaren (OSVIA) or Bumiputera Employee Education School to produce people who could carry out bureaucratic work. In 1927, OSVIA changed to Middelbaar Opleiden Schoolen voor Indische Ambtenaren (MOSVIA) which accepted MULO graduates. After graduating, students were placed in the civil services. Around 1900, native civil servants about 1,500 people. In 1932, the number increased to 103 thousand, including 17 thousand Dutch employees. The first person registered as a civil servant was Hamengkubuwana IX with employee registration number 010000001 as stated on his civil servant card issued by the State Civil Service Administration Agency on November 1 1974. On the card it was written that Hamengkubuwana IX had been an employee since 1940.[3]

Old Order and New Order


After the Indonesia independence, Chairman of the Central Indonesian National Committee (KNIP) Kasman Singodimedjo stated that President Soekarno decided that Indonesian employees from all positions and levels were designated as employees of the Republic of Indonesia. However, the changing constitution at that time causing the country's situation becoming unstable. The government then issued Law Number 18 of 1961 concerning Basic Civil Service Provisions as the legal basis for regulating civil servants.[4]

During the New Order, Soeharto formed an servant organization, namely the Republic of Indonesia Civil Service Corps (Korpri) through Presidential Decree Number 82 of 1971. According to this regulation, employees of the Republic of Indonesia are government officials consisting of civil servants as intended in Law Number 18 of 1961, public company employees (Perum), civil service company employees (Perdjan), regional employees, state-owned bank employees, as well as officials or officers who carry out government affairs in the village. Korpri was considered a political tool during the New Order era, which was supplemented by the publication of Government Regulation Number 20 of 1976 concerning Membership of Civil Servants in Political Parties or Work Groups.[5][6]

In 1974, Law Number 18 of 1961 was revoked and replaced with Law Number 8 of 1974 concerning Personnel Principles. In this law, civil servants consist of civil servants and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Indonesia (ABRI). Civil servants themselves are divided into central civil servants, regional civil servants and other civil servants determined by government regulations.[7]



In the Reformation era, Law Number 43 of 1999 was issued which changed the Law Number 8 of 1974. In this Law, civil servants consisted of civil servants, members of the Indonesian National Army, and members of the Indonesian National Police. Fifteen years later, Law Number 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus was issued. In this law, civil servants in the context of the Indonesian government are changed into State Civil Apparatus (ASN), which consists of Civil Servants (PNS) and Government Employees with Working Agreements (PPPK). Then on October 31 2023, the government enacted Law (UU) Number 20 of 2023 concerning the State Civil Apparatus to add the following main regulatory points regarding the State Civil Apparatus:[8]

  1. Strengthening supervision of the Merit System.
  2. Determining the needs of Civil Servants (PNS) and Government Employees with Work Agreements (PPPK).
  3. Welfare of civil servants and PPPK.
  4. Arrangement of honorary staff.
  5. Digitalization of ASN Management.



As head of government, the President of Indonesia holds the highest power in policy, professional development and management of ASN. The President delegates some of his powers to

  • Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (PAN-RB) is concerned with the authority to formulate and determine policies, coordinate and synchronize policies, as well as supervise the implementation of ASN policies;
  • The State Civil Apparatus Commission (KASN) is concerned with the authority to monitor and evaluate the implementation of ASN policies and management to ensure the realization of a merit system and supervision of the implementation of the principles of the ASN code of ethics and code of conduct;
  • The State Administration Institute (LAN) is concerned with research authority, reviewing ASN management policies, coaching and organizing ASN education and training; And
  • The State Civil Service Agency (BKN) is concerned with the authority to administer ASN Management, supervision and control of the implementation of ASN Management norms, standards, procedures and criteria.

Class, rank and position


Class and rank

Class Rank
I.a Junior Clerk
I.b First Class Junior Clerk
I.c Clerk
I.d First Class Clerk
II.a Junior Supervisor
II.b First Class Junior Supervisor
II.c Supervisor
II.d First Class Supervisor
III.a Junior Superintendent
III.b First Class Junior Superintendent
III.c Superintendent
III.d First Class Superintendent
IV.a Administrator
IV.b First Class Administrator
IV.c Junior Administratior
IV.d Middle Administrator
IV.e Senior Administrator



Based on Law Number 20 of 2023, ASN positions (including civil servants) consist of:[9]

  • Managerial Position
    • Main High Leadership Position
    • Middle High Leadership Position
    • Primary High Leadership Position
    • Administrator Position
    • Supervisory Position
  • Nonmanagerial Positions
    • Functional
    • Executive Position

Managerial Positon


A structural position is a position that shows the duties, responsibilities, authority and rights of a Civil Servant in order to lead a state organizational unit. Structural positions are also positions that are firmly within the organizational structure. Structural position positions are stratified from the lowest level (echelon V) to the highest (echelon V).

Ecelon Central agency position Regional (provincial) agency positions Position of regional agency (district/city)
Ia Secretary General  · Director General  · Secretary  · Principal Secretary  · Head of Agency  · Inspector General  · Principal Inspector  · Principal Director  · Principal Auditor  · Deputy Attorney General  · Deputy Attorney General  · Deputy  · Deputy Cabinet Secretary
I.b Expert staff Regional Secretary
II.a Director  · Head of Bureau  · Head of Center  · Deputy Assistant · Inspector · Secretary of the Directorate General · Secretary of the Inspectorate General · Secretary of the Main Auditor · Secretary of the Agency Assistant  · Governor's Expert Staff  · DPRD Secretary  · Head of Department  · Head of Agency  · Inspector  · Director of Class A Regional General Hospital  · Paniradya Kaistimewan/Paniradya Pati (DIY Province) Regional Secretary
II.b Head of the Great Hall Head of Bureau  · Deputy Head of Department  · Director of Class B Regional General Hospital  · Deputy Director of Class A General Hospital  · Director of Class A Special Hospital Assistant  · Regent/Mayor Expert Staff  · DPRD Secretary  · Head of Department  · Head of Agency  · Director of Class A and B Regional General Hospitals
III.a Head of Department  · Head of Division  · Head of Subdirectorate  · Head of Subauditorate Head of Office  · Head of Department  · Secretary of the Service/Agency/Inspectorate  · Head of Division  · Assistant Inspector  · Director of Class C General Hospital  · Director of Class B Special Hospital  · Deputy Director of Class B General Hospital  · Deputy Director of Class A Special Hospital  · Head of Service UPT Head of Office  · Subdistrict Head  · Head of Department  · Secretary to the Service/Agency/Inspectorate  · Assistant Inspector  · Director of Class C General Hospital  · Director of Class B Special Hospital  · Deputy Director of Class A and B General Hospitals  · Deputy Director of Class A Special Hospital
III.b Head of Hall Head of Department at Regional Hospital  · Head of Division at Regional Hospital Heads of Divisions at Departments and Agencies  · Heads of Sections and Heads of Divisions at Regional General Hospitals  · Director of Class D Regional General Hospitals  · Secretary of the District Head
IV.a Head of Subdivision  · Head of Subdivision  · Head of Section Head of Subdivision  · Head of Subdivision  · Head of Section Village Head  · Subdivision Head  · Subdivision Head  · Section Head  · Head of Service and Agency UPT  ·
IV.b Subdistrict Secretary  · Head of Section at Subdistrict  · Head of Subdivision at UPT  · Head of Subdivision at District Secretariat  · Head of TU Vocational High School
V.a Head of Affairs • Head of Subsection Head of Administration for First Level Secondary Schools  · Head of Administration for General Secondary Schools

Since the enactment of Law no. 5 of 2014 concerning State Civil Apparatus, then

  1. echelon positions, heads of non-ministerial government institutions are equivalent to major high leadership positions;
  2. echelon, and echelon Ib positions are equivalent to middle and high leadership positions;
  3. echelon II positions are equivalent to pratama high leadership positions;
  4. echelon III positions are equivalent to administrator positions;
  5. echelon IV positions are equivalent to supervisory positions; And
  6. echelon V and general functional positions are equivalent to executive positions,

Non Managerial Position

Executive Position

Based on the definition in Law Number 20 of 2023 concerning State Civil Apparatus, an executive position is a position that is responsible for providing services and carrying out routine and simple work.[10]

Functional Position

Functional positions according to Presidential Decree Number 87 of 1999 concerning Functional Position Groups for Civil Servants are positions that indicate the duties, responsibilities, authority and rights of a Civil Servant in an organizational unit whose implementation of duties is based on certain expertise/and/or skills and is independent. Functional Positions as of April 26 2019 have 193 types of positions with a total of 25 functional positions with the following names:

  1. Physics, Chemistry and Related Groups;
  2. Mathematics, Statistics and Related Groups;
  3. Computer Cluster;
  4. Architects, Engineers and Related Groups;
  5. Research and Engineering Group;
  6. Life Sciences Family;
  7. Health Cluster;
  8. Higher Education Cluster;
  9. Kindergarten, Elementary, Advanced and Special School Level Education Clusters;
  10. Other Education Clusters;
  11. Group of Optical and Electronic Equipment Operators;
  12. Ship and Aircraft Technicians and Controllers;
  13. Quality and Safety Monitoring Group;
  14. Accounting and Budgeting Family;
  15. Family of Professional Assistants Related to Finance and Sales;
  16. Immigration, Tax and related Professional Systems;
  17. Management Family;
  18. Legal and Judicial Group;
  19. Copyright, Patent and Trademark Family;
  20. Group of Investigators and Detectives;
  21. Archivists, Librarians and Related Groups;
  22. Social and related sciences;
  23. Information and Arts and Culture Cluster;
  24. Religious Groups, and;
  25. Politics and Foreign Relations Cluster.

Civil Servants and practical politics


During the New Order, Civil Servants were politicized through monoloyalty towards Golkar, which made Civil Servants from being servants of the community to servants of the ruler. Formally, civil servants are not forced to become members and vote for Golkar in general elections, but in reality they are mobilized to win Golkar. In practice, the policy of civil servants' monoloyalty to the government was distorted into sole loyalty to Golkar.

After the 1998 Reformation, there was a change in the government paradigm. Civil servants, previously known as tools of government power, are now expected to become elements of the state apparatus that are professional and neutral from the influence of all groups from political parties (for example, using state facilities for certain groups) and non-discriminatory in providing services to the community. To ensure this neutrality, civil servants are prohibited from becoming members or administrators of political parties. Civil servants have the right to vote in elections, while members of the TNI or Polri do not have the right to vote or be elected in elections.

Based on PP Number 5 of 1999 concerning Civil Servants who are members of political parties in conjunction with PP Number 12 of 1999. Some of the main points in the PP are:

  • As state officials, state servants and public servants in administering government and development, Civil Servants must act neutrally and avoid using state facilities for certain groups. Apart from that, they are also required to be non-discriminatory, especially in providing services to the community.
  • Civil servants who have been members or administrators of political parties at the time this PP was adopted are deemed to have relinquished their membership and/or management (deleted automatically).
  • Civil servants who do not report their membership and/or management in a political party will be dishonorably dismissed as civil servants.
  • Civil servants who wish to become members or administrators of political parties must submit an application to their immediate superior (implementing regulations issued by the State Civil Service Agency).
  • Civil servants who apply to become members/administrators of political parties are given a one year waiting fee. If within one year you still want to be a member or administrator of a political party, then the person concerned will be honorably dismissed and receive pension rights for those who have reached the Retirement Age Limit (BUP).

Emphasizing the ban on politics


In this reform era, the prohibition on civil servants from engaging in politics is emphasized in article 255 of the Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia no. 11 of 2017 concerning Civil Servant Management:

  1. Civil servants are prohibited from becoming members and/or administrators of political parties.
  2. Civil servants who are members and/or administrators of political parties are required to resign in writing.
  3. Civil servants who resign as intended in paragraph (2) are honorably dismissed as civil servants starting from the end of the month of resignation of the civil servant concerned.
  4. Civil servants who violate the prohibition as intended in paragraph (1) will be dishonorably dismissed as civil servants.
  5. Civil servants who are members and/or administrators of political parties are dishonorably dismissed as civil servants as intended in paragraph (4) starting from the end of the month the civil servant concerned becomes a member and/or administrator of a political party.

Non-PNS government positions


The following positions in government organizations in Indonesia are officials who are not civil servants or have civil servant status. The following officials are elected based on elections involving the vote of the people. Their power exceeds that of officials with Civil Servant status, because they represent the aspirations and voices of the people, because this position has authority over officials with Civil Servant status. The following are the positions based on the people's vote:

  • President and vice president
  • Minister (appointed by the president)
  • Governor and Deputy Governor
  • Regent and Deputy Regent
  • Mayor and Deputy Mayor
  • DPD
  • DPR
  • DPRD
  • Village head


  1. ^ UU 5/2014, Pasal 13.
  2. ^ Buku Statistik PNS Juni 2021 (PDF). Jakarta: Badan Kepegawaian Negara. 2021. Diarsipkan (PDF) dari versi asli tanggal 2022-11-26. Diakses tanggal 2021-12-26.
  3. ^ "Kisah Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX Menjadi PNS Pertama Indonesia". Tempo. 18 Juni 2019. Retrieved 6 Juli 2021. {{cite web}}: Check date values in: |access-date= and |date= (help)[pranala nonaktif permanen]
  4. ^ "Undang-Undang Nomor 18 Tahun 1961 tentang Ketentuan-Ketentuan Pokok Kepegawaian". BPK RI. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2021-10-20. Diakses tanggal 6 Juli 2021.
  5. ^ "Sejarah PNS, dari Pekerjaan Bumiputra di Era Kolonial hingga Politisasi Korpri". Kompas. 20 September 2018. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2022-10-05. Diakses tanggal 6 Juli 2021.
  6. ^ "Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 20 Tahun 1976 tentang Keanggotaan Pegawai Negeri Sipil dalam Partai Politik atau Golongan Karya". BPK RI. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2022-10-03. Diakses tanggal 6 Juli 2021.
  7. ^ "Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1974 tentang Pokok-Pokok Kepegawaian". BPK RI. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2023-03-24. Diakses tanggal 6 Juli 2021.
  8. ^ "UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2023 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara" (PDF). Diarsipkan (PDF) dari versi asli tanggal 2023-11-03. Diakses tanggal 2023-11-03.
  9. ^ "UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2023 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara" (PDF). Diarsipkan (PDF) dari versi asli tanggal 2023-11-03. Diakses tanggal 2023-11-03.
  10. ^ "UU Nomor 20 Tahun 2023 tentang Aparatur Sipil Negara" (PDF). Diarsipkan (PDF) dari versi asli tanggal 2023-11-03. Diakses tanggal 2023-11-03.

[[Category:Civil services]] [[Category:Indonesia civil servant]] [[Category:Government officials]]