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2023 FW13: Quasi Moon of Earth

2023 FW13 is an asteroid that has been designated as a quasi moon of Earth due to its unusual orbit around our planet. Discovered on March 28, 2023, by astronomer Adrien Coffinet, it has garnered significant attention from the scientific community and space enthusiasts alike.

Discovery and Observation

The asteroid 2023 FW13 was first detected on March 28, 2023, by astronomer Adrien Coffinet during routine observations of near-Earth objects. Its initial identification sparked interest due to its close proximity to Earth and its peculiar orbital characteristics, resembling those of a quasi moon.

Further observations and tracking revealed that 2023 FW13 follows an elliptical orbit around the Sun, which occasionally brings it close enough to Earth to be considered a quasi moon. However, specific details about its orbital characteristics are currently unknown.

Physical Characteristics

The size of 2023 FW13 is estimated to be around 60 feet (18 meters), based on available data. Further studies are required to determine its composition and other physical properties.

Scientific Studies and Interest

As of now, no specific scientific studies or research have been conducted on asteroid 2023 FW13. However, its quasi moon status has generated significant scientific and public interest. The presence of quasi moons around Earth provides valuable opportunities for studying the dynamics of celestial bodies and their interactions with our planet's gravitational field.

Other Quasi Moons of Earth

Apart from 2023 FW13, several other quasi moons have been identified in the past. These include (164207) 2004 GU9, (277810) 2006 FV35, 2013 LX28, 2014 OL339, and 469219 Kamoʻoalewa.

It's worth noting that the designation of quasi moon is given to asteroids or other celestial bodies that temporarily exhibit moon-like behavior in their orbit around Earth. These objects are not considered true moons, as they do not possess a stable, long-term relationship with Earth's gravitational field.

Please note that the information provided here is based on the available data up to my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. New discoveries or research on asteroid 2023 FW13 may have emerged since then.