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Circuits that provide a constant output of either or can be viewed as having the output qubit disconnected from the input qubits. It is therefore expected that the input qubits measure as .

Output qubit is constant Outputs qubit is constant

In the circuit diagrams, the functions are shown within a dashed line border. It is important to note that an gate that flips to has no effect in the Hadamard basis. passes through an gate unchanged.

A sub-class of balanced functions uses only a single input qubit to decide whether the output qubit is or .

Output qubit is the value of one input qubit Output qubit is the negation of one input qubit

Separating the Bell State


When the CNOT gate acts upon two qubits that are perfectly correlated in the state, the outputs are the unentangled states and . The CNOT gate is its own inverse.

To demonstrate this, we show that in any chosen basis the perfect correlation and the operation of the CNOT gate combine to produce a constant output.

Selecting the computational basis we have:

Qubit A's effect on qubit B


Based on qubit B correlating exactly with qubit A and then qubit B being subjected to the CNOT X-rotation depending on qubit A:

correlates to which results in

correlates to which results in

Qubit B's effect on qubit A


The basis vectors that we've chosen, represented by Hadamard basis vectors are:

Separates into:


The other basis vector:

Separates into:


So the resulting state of summing the results of the basis transformations (and dividing by 2) is the constant:

Further worked example


Using an arbitrarily-selected basis of:

Qubit A's effect on qubit B


Based on qubit B correlating exactly with qubit A and then qubit B being subjected to the CNOT X-rotation depending on qubit A:

Separates into:

and which equals

The other basis vector:

Separates into:

and which equals

So the resulting state of summing the results of the basis transformations (and dividing by 2) is the constant:

Qubit B's effect on qubit A


The basis vectors that we've chosen, represented by Hadamard basis vectors are:

Separates into:

and which equals

The other basis vector:

Separates into:

and which equals

So the resulting state of summing the results of the basis transformations (and dividing by 2) is the constant:

Bell basis


The four Bell states form a Bell basis. A perfect correlation between any two bases on the individual qubits can be described as a sum of Bell states. For example, is maximally entangled but not a Bell state; it represents a correlation between the bases and . It can be rewritten as using Bell basis states.[a]

Fix issue


The overlap expression is typically interpreted as the probability amplitude for the state \psi to collapse into the state \phi.


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