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Sitka company is a Canadian sports and clothing corporation located in Vancouver, British Columbia. Sitka company claims their idea of committing in wilderness activism and conservation, and promoting their thoughts by manufacturing and selling sustainable fashion clothes.[1]

Sitka Clothing Store in Vancouver

Sitka and Fashion

This is the inside view of the Vancouver Sitka Clothing Store

Making sustainable fashion is now becoming a common idea for many Vancouver local clothing companies share. Vancouver has been making major changes when it comes to the cities approach in environmental balance and Vancouver systems/markets more sustainable. Awareness helps people become inspired to be sustainably conscious.

Many sustainable companies are also after the fair trade markets[2] and post on their sites about their suppliers and check up on which their lives are doing with the demands. Sustainable companies such as Sitka, and Lululemon [3] are long term companies which provides job opportunities to the society with the beliefs they claim for social and environmental initiatives.[4]

Sitka is a local non-for-profit company within British Columbia that specializes in sustainable clothing and products. They also often offer and set up several conservation presentations and events for communities.

Company History


The company was Founded in 2002, Sitka is becoming a lifestyle brand. Founders are Rene Gauthier and Andrew Paine, who came across their common passion for the environment whiling on a surfing the Vancouver Island coastline.[5] Both founders started shaping surfboards together while attending the University of Victoria. Surfboards eventually became their first product in their growing company, Sitka.

The first store went up in the BC’s capital, Victoria. The store itself is designed to resemble the lifestyle of its founders beliefs in conservation and wilderness activism.[6] Sitka promotes its core values in community, sustainability, integrity,creativity and adventure through actions. The company set up its mission as to give communities sustainable options and awareness of their natural world. One important way Sitka organization introduces their thoughts of environmental protection and conservation concept is that they relate the theme of sustainability in their fashion and stores. Sustainable wooden furniture is used, from the walls to the shelves; An organic café and local art pieces, influence consumers on the environmental footprint. Sustainable fashion is design to be environmental friendly.

Sitka is now developing to expand across the globe with flagship stores. Stores located in Victoria, Vancouver and New Zealand have already opened.[7]

Sitka’s Corporate Accountability


Sitka is still a developing company comparing to the growing chains such as H&M and Lululemon. Reuse, reduce, recycle is the trend many companies are implementing to promote their corporate responsibility. An example for this is that the H&M company has been collecting clothing for years to put in the recycle program and/or give out donated clothing to the less fortunate.[8]

Sitka does a better job when facing accountability issues among the local-based companies. For instance, big companies such as H&M does not own any factories.[9] Instead of investing in factories, around 750 independent suppliers make their goods. As working conditions varies,(social and environmental) both quantity and quality are not guaranteed. Wages fairness cannot be carefully monitored with so many suppliers. Many of the suppliers work in other countries usually throughout Asia and Europe, where wage compensation, employee benefits and material prices are different.

Rene Gauthier business foundation is founded for the purpose to maintain a sustainable company through all levels of its practices. This comes though with being realistic in how to stay afloat in Vancouver’s competitive markets. The concept of ethical fashion is transferred and spread through the clothing business, and more and more people are learning about it.[10]

Conservation Promotion


Clothing market has become inseparable to the idea of being "environmental". Sitka designed Eco-friendly clothes which are less toxic in chemicals, uses less land and water in both creating and cleaning process.[11] Some of them can reduce greenhouse gases and achieve the goal of protecting the environment. Less animal will be killed to make clothes as people starting to realize the harm to nature and started to refuse cruelty.

The idea of "Green" and "Nature" starts to appear in new fashion designs such as luxuries, clothes, and even house constructions. Being ethical and conservational has become a leading theme in the latest fashion. As people starting to aware the importance of nature and life cycle, many started to take action in doing what we can to protect the environment. Sitka Company devotes time, money, and effort in protecting the marine ecosystem as it promote its core value in conservation. The result is worthy of recognition. Sitka company helps the marine ecosystem by setting up conservation events to improve the sustainability in the ecosystem. In long term, the variety of organisms in marine ecosystem is maintained. Ocean economy will be sustainable and will still be the key field among trading economy. Marine ecosystem will maintain a seemingly stable balance, and the life cycle and source cycle equilibrium will sustain.[12]


  1. ^ "Sitka. N.p., 2014. Web. "Sitka Society for Conservation. [1]
  2. ^ "Fair Trade - Sitka Benelux." Sitka Benelux. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. [2]
  3. ^ Sustainability Lululemon Athletica. Rep. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. [3]
  4. ^ "Sitka Society for Conservation." Sitka. N.p., 2014. Web.[4]
  5. ^ Nigro, Vanessa. "Sitka Clothing Company Protects the Planet before Profits." The Plaid Zebra. Vanessa Nigro, 27 Aug. 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2015.[5]
  6. ^ Hogue, Erin. "Interview With Sitka Co-Founder Rene Gauthier." Interview With Sitka Co-Founder Rene Gau... Erin Hogue, 16 Sept. 2013. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. [6]
  7. ^ Bradstreet, Kailee. "A Glimpse At Sitka’s New Zealand Flagship Store." Transworld Business RSS. Kailee Bradstreet, 25 May 2011. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. [7]
  8. ^ "H& to launch global clothes collecting initiative - Telegraph".
  9. ^ "Production Process." Production Process. H&M Company, n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. [8]
  10. ^ Bradstreet, Kailee. "Sitka Joins 1% For The Planet." Transworld Business RSS. Kailee Bradstreet, 2 July 2014. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. [9]
  11. ^ "Manufacturing Decisions." Sitka Benelux. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. [10]
  12. ^ "Coastal British Columbia Conservation." Environment Coastal British Columbia, Canada. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Apr. 2015. [11]