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Parivartan Slum[edit]


Parivartan Slum  is the target of an progressing program in the city of Ahmedabad in Gujarat.Ahmedabad Parivartan (moreover known as the Slum Networking Project) brings fundamental foundation administrations, including water and sanitation, in a moderate and practical route to the slums and chawls of the city.[1]

Led by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation(AMC), the venture motivates and encourages the objective groups , local  non governmental associations and the private area to work together in an extraordinary organization. UNDP-World Bank Water and Sanitation Program - South Asia (WSP-SA) gave reasonable configuration bolster. Parivartan was created in light of an prior joint activity of the private division (Arvind Mills) and the AMC, to give fundamental administrations to urban destitute individuals living in a slum group called Sanjaynagar. Because of endeavors made by the Metropolitan Corporation, the city’s accounts have been turned around to give a firm base to supporting ventures and administrations. This has been accomplished through enhanced urban administration and through manufacturing of associations with the more extensive common society of the city. In the process, the Corporation no longer sees itself as a sole supplier of administrations however a key player and facilitator too. Parivartan is one among a number of inventive projects which are changing the substance of the city today.[2]


1029 slum(casual settlements) and 1,383 chawls (apartments) in the city, house around 300,000 families 40 for every penny of the city population - huge numbers of whom have next to zero access to fundamental urban administrations. Before, interests in administrations for the slums and chawls were by and large standards driven and constrained in their scope. Administrations experienced quick crumbling prompting breakdown much of the time. Parivartan depends on the premise that administrations should as it were be given when there is a reasonable interest for them. As needs be, Parivartan perceives that the group are the customer or showcase and that the group are likewise the fundamental performing artists in the program. The plan of the program has been kept adaptable also, versatile, leaving space for change in the institutional, social also, specialized ways to deal with react to involvement and changing conditions amid the course of the program.[3]

On a very basic level, Parivartan offers a scope of administrations with sensible ‘price tags’ appended, empowering groups to make educated decisions about the size also, nature of speculations to be made. Ahmedabad Parivartan gives finish linkages the current conditions and benefits in the city. The program is accessible to any slum  which wishes to take an interest, and administrations are completely associated with existing city systems. The institutional courses of action develop from inside the current structures in the city.[4]


The pilot scheme in Sanjaynagar, a slum group of 181 family units, is complete. The execution of this pilot plot was completed by a Trust, called ‘Sharada’, made uniquely for this purpose. The Trust was financed by Arvind Mills (a noteworthy nearby modern gathering). The Ahmedabad City Corporation gave specialized and monetary contributions with the nearby speculations secured and taken care of by SEWA Bank -an all women bank being controlled by the Self Employed Women’s Association, a understood association situated in Ahmedabad. Community development was embraced by SAATH, a nearby NGO.


Given the achievement of the pilot venture in Sanjaynagar, numerous slums  are currently taking an interest in Parivartan. The AMC has arranged a further set of 18 ghettos for usage as some portion of the second period of the program. Right now, a moment slum , Sinheshwari Nagar, has been totally updated. The slum includes 43 families, all of whom have now been given with  water, sewerage furthermore, sanitation offices, alongcost, with 90 for each penny of the cash as of now saved with SEWA Bank. Various givers have moreover demonstrated an enthusiasm for Parivartan. Outside assets, it is felt, might be utilized as a substitute for private part commitments in a few cases or could be directed into the arrangement of trunk benefits that will empower Parivartan to reach as of now unserved regions of the city. A dynamic scaling up is required to accomplish a definitive goal of Parivartan or change, for the city of Ahmedabad, by the year 2003.

The Partners[edit]

Parivartan gives administrations at the neighborhood level which associate with the city level, while in the meantime back is given from both the community(local)levels and the city .For this reason, various operators work in organization at different levels to guarantee that Parivartan is compelling. This organization enables Parivartan to convey administrations where request is most prominent and advances the administration of administrations at the least conceivable level. It could likewise empower groups to settle on singular decisions about innovation, contracting, and administration courses of action. Conceivably, it gives groups the opportunity to plan their own financing arrangements while keeping up a formal association with the AMC.

Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation[edit]

The Ahmedabad MunicipalCorporation  (AMC) is responsible for giving all metropolitan services to the city and has a workforce of about 40,000. The AMC has the distinction among Indian municipalities of having a balanced budget and an A+ credit score from CRISIL. As ahead of schedule as 1890, the city was giving funneled water and sewerage and today, 65 for every penny of the city’s populace is secured.  The city’s populace of 2.9 million is divided into five zones and 43wards. It chooses 129 corporate once at regular intervals. The Mayor, with his group of Standing Committee individuals which includes the Leader of the Opposition, works with the Municipal Commissioner ,an IAS officer designated by the Government of Gujarat.

The AMC is the host organization for Parivartan, giving piece of the fund, planning the various partners, and leading the pack insetting the task runs inside the general far reaching designs. The technical inputs are given through a specific unit known as the Slum Improvement Cell. In the pilot stage, the Cell will be doing the plans, gauges, contract arrangement, offering, and construction supervision. Through its system of zonal designing offices, AMC additionally expects to connect Parivartan to city-level capital investment plans. One remarkable element of  Parivartan  is that the AMC provides a composed affirmation to every one of the participating slum groups, that it won't move the slum for a minimum of 10 years once it joins the Parivartan program. This unprecedented arrive residency security is a vital factor in adding to Parivartan’s success.

The AMC has been making investments in slums through a range of Central, state, and city funded programs and has a unique tradition of perceiving the importance of its poorer natives. As a result, the AMC has proceeded with to take activities, for example, resettlement of surge casualties (1970), ghetto census(1976, 1990), environmental mapping (1995), relative hazard evaluation (1995), and most as of late, Parivartan.

Sharada Trust[edit]

Sharada Trust was propelled by Arvind Mills in 1995 to encourage the slum change try in Sanjaynagar. Delegates of AMC, chose NGOs, and Arvind Mills sit on the Board of this public charitable trust. Professional management and specialized inputs for the work in Sanjaynagar are provided by Sharada Trust to the community. The point by point designs and the agreements were readied bya presumed neighborhood specialist contracted and supervised by Sharada.


SAATH, an Ahmedabad-based NGO, with work involvement in a few slums , focuses on youth advancement and social mindfulness and has been dynamic since 1989. As of late, SAATH has begun to focus on the dissemination of urban governance information to groups in an initiative which means to connect them with the city. In Sanjaynagar,  SAATH acted as a social intermediary representing the group’ s interest with different accomplices. SAATH supported the formation of a new CBO in Sanjaynagar, which now operates independently.

Mahila Housing SEWA Trust[edit]

Mahila Housing SEWA Trust (MHT), another Ahmedabad-based association, was set up in 1994 because of interest from the group of poor, independently employed ladies in Ahmedabad , for particular lodging related services. MHT is as of now working in organization with the AMC and the private segment in 12 of the 18 areas being focused by the Parivartan program. MHT’s field workers mobilize the ghetto groups to join the program and encourage a constant interface amongst the community and AMC, particularly so that the ladies can take an interest in the basic leadership process within Parivartan.[5]

SEWA Bank[edit]

SEWA Bank, a urban bank of and for independently employed ladies, acted as a budgetary go-between in Sanjaynagar by starting and gathering the community commitment for Parivartan and keeping it in singular bank accounts. SEWA Bank, when requested, additionally gave shield and up gradation credits to the residents and money related administrations to the other partners in Sanjaynagar. [6]Subsequently, the AMC and SEWA Bank have marked a Memorandum of Understanding, the first of its kind, which defines a connection between the city authority and the community finance foundation, for financial services to the pilot and subsequent stages.

Community based organization[edit]

Community based organizations and structure facilitates pressure on city financing and advances ‘ownership’. It can be an important instrument for assessing demand when sufficient information on sort and levels of organizations are available to the customer, gave the expenses are set fittingly. These conditions are in effect logically met in Parivartan[7]. The heap of organizations given under Parivartan is financed 33% by the gathering, 33% by the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC), and the rest by corporate sponsorship, unselfish trusts, social welfare get-together, multilateral or corresponding donors, or some other contributed people.

Future Ahead [edit]

The above game plan has been worked out with AMC and other taking an interest NGOs. The methodology is audited after each cycle and is refreshed to suit evolving needs. The long haul objective of SEWA Bank is to help assemble a scope of feasible group fund establishments to fund and oversee group framework, fundamental administrations, and protect up gradation exercises.

Up until now, the quality of such monetary intermediation has been that it:[8]

● is group based;

● works under an acknowledged administrative structure;

● is open to the urban poor; also,

● has involvement in urban shelter and framework fund.

Only one out of every odd city would be so blessed as to have an experienced, comprehensively based financing foundation with the ability to give broad small scale keeping money administrations, as SEWA Bank has done. In any case, the experience to date in Ahmedabad recommends some broad lessons that might advance the adequacy of monetary intermediations at the city level. Such intermediation requires early limit building (particularly of accomplice group based gatherings); supported capitalization; and little steps approach so that the game plans can develop with the evolving request.[9]

  1. ^ "Parivartan slum" (PDF).
  2. ^ "Upgradation".
  3. ^ "Education report" (PDF).
  4. ^ "PPT on Parivartan slum".
  5. ^ "Parivartan slum" (PDF).
  6. ^ "AMC" (PDF).
  7. ^ "World bank report".
  8. ^ "women upliftment" (PDF).
  9. ^ "water and sanitation" (PDF).