User:Dark Flow
Dears, who else does feel like there should be a best of XKCD list on Wikipedia ?
Would love to make fun here of a specie that believes that the universe was created for it, all while consuming according to the planetary boundaries more resources than could be sustainable. Sacrificing it's environment for illusions of infinite economic growth, and unlimited reproduction.A specie that greedy it can't stop global warming. All while even the word overpopulation is considered wrong, in times where artificial selection or social Darwinism made millions homeless, uncountable people starving, and in which the number of conflicts are increasing almost everywhere.
Darwin should have said: "only stupid species have more offspring than could survive" , than he would at least somehow seem to be good.
I am still astonished by people who want to play natural selection and social Darwinism, people who ignore the uniqueness of every human being and ignore that humans are changing ! Was it not Darwin himself who was the first to notice that quote evolution is "random" ? Despite he couldn't prove mutations as the cousin of brave new world Huxley did. How does it happen that sexual selection is ignored, despite it is at least as important as natural selection ? That is why I had invented the word "intelligent selection", to remember that significant differences exist between the evolution of homo sapiens, and primates, even if those who make "Darwinist" propaganda usually ignore that !
Kind Regards,