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User:Darian2536/Evaluate an Article

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Climate change - Wikipedia

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There are a lot of topics to discuss within climate change, which is a major global issue and is highly relevant in many fields. I was surprised to see how elaborate this article was and the range of terminology it covered.

Evaluate the article


(Compose a detailed evaluation of the article here, considering each of the key aspects listed above. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what a useful Wikipedia article evaluation looks like.)

The article includes plenty of links and resources, and it organizes information in a concise way. The introduction sufficiently provides an overview of what climate change is and how it is significant. The content is relevant to the topic, as each section covers an aspect of climate change. Relevant and up-to-date statistics are also provided. The article contains slight bias towards addressing and fixing climate change, such as when it points out that the term "climate emergency" was Oxford Language's word of the year in 2019. Although climate change is such a broad topic, the article does do a good job of organizing the subtopics and breaking down how climate change is addressed worldwide. The language is simple to understand for the general public, and the purpose of images are explained well. This article is part of the WikiProject Environment page. This is a featured article, and it seems to hold good status. Its strengths are the amount of information provided as well as references. It could be improved by being slightly more objective in its explanations of climate politics and social aspects. A wide range of information on climate change is covered, but some more information could be included on the causes of climate change. Aside from that, however, it is well-developed.