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Servus Servorum Dei
Sede vacante
Papal infallibility
Papal coat of arms
History of the Papacy
Liber Pontificalis
Annuario Pontificio
History of the Papacy
Saeculum obscurum
Avignon Papacy
Western Schism
Pope Joan
Pope Joan
Pope Joan (novel)
Pope Joan (2009 film)
List of Popes
List of popes
List of popes by length of reign
List of ages of popes
List of German popes
List of French popes
List of African popes
List of Syrian popes
List of sexually active popes
The Prophecy of the Popes by Saint Malachy
Pope John XX
Pope John (numbering)
List of extant papal tombs
List of non-extant papal tombs
List of tombs of antipopes
Election and Inauguration
Papal conclave
Fumata nera and fumata bianca
List of papal elections
Dramatic portrayal of the papal conclave: The Shoes of the Fisherman (1968)
Papal name
Papal coronation
Papal States
Holy See
Roman Curia
Papal regalia and insignia
Chair of Saint Peter
Papal Cross
Ring of the Fisherman
Sedia gestatoria
Papal coat of arms
Papal Documents
Papal bull
Apostolic constitution
Apostolic exhortation
Motu proprio
Lists of Papal Documents
List of encyclicals of Pope Pius VI
List of encyclicals of Pope Leo XII
List of encyclicals of Pope Gregory XVI
List of encyclicals of Pope Pius IX
List of encyclicals of Pope Leo XIII
List of encyclicals of Pope Pius X
List of encyclicals of Pope Pius XI
List of encyclicals of Pope John XXIII
List of encyclicals of Pope Paul VI
List of encyclicals of Pope John Paul II
List of encyclicals of Pope Benedict XVI
List of papal bulls
Papal Documents relating to Freemasonry