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The word ‘sheethali’ [शितलि] means cooling or heat-reduction in Sanskrit and other Indian languages, it is adjective form of the original word "sheethal" which is soothing or cold and word ‘chikithsa’ [चिकित्सः] means therapy in Sanskrit. [शितलि चिकित्सः] Heat Reduction Therapy is a simplified approach in Alternate Medical System to resolve complex healing process.

Sheethali Chikithsa (Heat Reduction Therapy)


Scientific evolution in terms of inventions and discoveries gave a valued focus on diseases, causes, micro-organisms and also significant awareness on health and fitness. Sophisticated medical technology of today’s world makes any disease vulnerable to subside. But the challenging question would be the increase in health problems due to pollution, psycho-disorders, mal nutrition etc.
Heat Energy is natural cause and essential for life; it is generated by various processing of metabolism and which is maintaining the life. Any variation reflected in the metabolism will also reflect the heat balance of the body and vise versa. Activities of organs and influence of living environment contributes to the balance of energy cycle to maintain health. Research and treatment remedies suggested in health science of traditional and modern system of medicine benefited humanity to overcome numerable health issues. Still unanswered issues of contradictions prevailing as one solution leads to another issues as the fire (energy) fighting mechanism is not able to address overall perfection in control of body fire.

What is Heat Reduction Therapy?


External heat is measured in terms of symptoms like fever, typhoid, diarrhea etc but the internal heat which is the cause of all sickness cannot be evaluated. Theory of ‘effective fire-fighting’ to balance equilibrium of energy levels of metabolism is called Sheethali Chikithsa [1] or Heat Reduction Therapy. This system falls under the category Herbalism of Alternative Medicine Systems as Acupuncture, Anthroposophic medicine, Ayurveda, Chiropractic, Herbalism, Homeopathy, Naturopathy, Neural therapy, Osteopathy, Traditional medicine, etc. and which is easy to administer and free from any side effects.

What is internal heat?


Internal heat cannot be measured with a thermometer. Due to excess of temperature in the body, the regular functioning of the entire systems is disturbed. This disturbance causes a chaos and hence the malfunctioning of the systems in the body like Nephrotic [2] problems, Cirrhosis in the liver, cancer, various skin diseases, Neurological problems, paralyses and even impotency. One may wonder how impotency can occur due to internal heat. The 'Ovum' formation does not take place in the female; in the presence of excess heat in the body. Many suffer from migraine, burning sensation, sleeplessness nervous disorders, skin disorders and even violence and madness. The study of such individuals and have come to the conclusion that their bodies’ natural functioning such as menstruation and ovulation is arrested and therefore such abnormal behavioral symptoms. The remedy for such cases is nothing else, but to cool down the entire system through heat reduction therapy and bring the body back to normal functioning. The immunity power also increases when the system is cool down as research studies on HIV positive cases are showing remarkable improvement.

Research Findings


The internal heat is also due to hereditary factors. The particular individual is an extension of his or her parents. Internal heat can also be explained in terms of elements like anger, jealousy, hatred, selfishness etc. When an individual is in an excited state, the gall bladder produces excess bile. This excess bile is the reason for anger, fear, tension, jealousy etc. When one is over tensed or excited the gas pushes the bile and the formation of air bubbles takes place. These air bubbles travel through the body and get locked in different locations of body. This can be either in the spine, chest, neck, back or head. This discomfort causes migraine, cervical pain, Chest pain, back ache, stomach ache etc. Once the bile (the yellow fluid) is vomited, the individual gets great relief.

The internal heat can be controlled through the food we are taking. There is always a craving for junk food which is apparently tasty. The taste bud is attuned to the junk and therefore the natural taste is being lost in the long run. A disturbed body occupies a disturbed mind and vice versa. Guilt, Sadism and other psychosomatic disorders are all related to excess heat in the body. Therefore the mode of action of this system lies in balancing or destroying the chemical bonds and cell walls of those parasites which are the cause of internal heat. The essence of this treatment lies in discovering yourself through yoga, meditation, herbal medicines, counseling.



Sheethali Chikithsa (Heat Reduction Therapy) is discovered by Isai Baba (Dr. Fr. Aji Sebastian CMI) of Darsanalaya Ashram, Chandpur; a village in Haryana, India, through his journey through life, discovering him and a journey through the forest. Swami Sadanandji, a Catholic Priest stands as his inspiration and Guru. He has explored about herbal medicines through his continuous discussion with Sadhus, Bhikshus, Aadivasis and other renowned Vaidyas. For the past 14 years of reading, research and experiment lead him to the single point: The cause of all the sickness is the ‘excess heat generated’ by the body.

This theory has been developed due to meditation, intuition, reading, research and experiment. He has learnt that in medical science, each sickness has a specific medicine. He has searched for a further step and the search leads him to the conclusion that bodily imbalance is the cause of any sickness and this imbalance is created through excess heat. His treatment is very simple. Treat the entire body cool down the system. Increase the immunity power. Make the individual whole. He has tried similar medicines for many sicknesses like kidney problems, cancer, heart problem, tumor, fever, liver cirrhosis, skin diseases etc and found them effective. Therefore his treatment is based on a unique group of medicines which cools down the entire system of body functions.

What are these groups of medicines? It is nothing else but the nature’s gift gathered from the trees and plants of thickly and thinly populated forest. Some herbal medicine is in practice for several years among the tribes and natives of remote rural area.


  1. This is simplest and cheapest medicine it is the only assured solution without any serious side effects.
  2. This medicine could be prepared from herbs which could be found in natural environment or cultivated.
  3. This is eco-friendly and preservatives are not recommended to maintain natural quality.
  4. This is due to its preparation solely lies in nature; one of God’s amazing creation.


  1. Global C-Mission article,C-swamijis, Vol-3, Issue-3, Dec. 2008



Category:Alternative medicine Category:Herbalism Category:Alternative medical systems Category:Traditional medicine