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User:Daniel Mietchen/Wiki2Reveal Sandbox

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Impact-oriented Citizen Science: The role of Wikipedia, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap is a workshop organised within the conference CitSciHelvetia by Iolanda Pensa (SUPSI) in collaboration with Daniel Mietchen (Ronin Institute, Montclair, New Jersey, United States) and Diego Haettenschwiler (Wikipedian).

Title: Impact-oriented Citizen Science: The role of Wikipedia, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap.
Location: III, Salle de workshop 1, auberge de jeunesse, Landhaus, Solothurn.
Date and time: Wednesday 29 March 2023, h 14h00–15h30 CET.
Duration:: 1 hour and a half.
Organizers: Iolanda Pensa (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Haute école spécialisée de la Suisse italienne), Daniel Mietchen (Ronin Institute, Montclair, New Jersey, United States) and Diego Haettenschwiler (Wikipedian).

Short description


Wikipedia, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap are existing Citizen Science tools, structured to allow measuring, evaluating, planning and communicating the impact of citizens’ contribution and the effects of open research. Wikidata, Wikipedia and OpenStreetMap are the largest participatory open and multilingual projects ever created. They activate communities, they use Open Science, they produce content, data and infrastructures, which are available to anyone (20 billion views per month and reused for services and products); furthermore they are huge repositories that document edits, references, uploads and participatory dynamics. This workshop presents and discusses strategies to rely on Wikipedia, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap to trigger impact-oriented Citizen Science and to assess it through information design.



A workshop of an hour and a half focusing on strategies to rely on Wikipedia, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap to trigger impact-oriented Citizen Science and to assess it through information design.

14.00 Welcome and presentations
14.10 Introduction to Wikipedia, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap
14.20-14.45 Strategies to rely on Wikipedia, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap to trigger impact-oriented Citizen Science and to assess it through information design
14.45-15.15 Testing Wikipedia, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap and some specific tools
15.15 Feedback about the tests and about how to use Wikipedia, Wikidata and OpenStreetMap in their citizen science activities.
15.30 Greetings.



Tools to monitor and evaluate contributions

WMCH Map Service, a tool to xplore locations, check article coverage and contribute with encyclopaedic content (in the image Swiss archives) (d:Q117210027)
WMCH Map Service, a tool to xplore locations, check article coverage and contribute with encyclopaedic content (in the image Swiss archives) (d:Q117210027)

Other resources


Bibliography about citizen science and the Wikimedia projects

  • Daniel Mietchen, Citizen Science and Open Science would benefit from closer interaction (ECSA 2018) https://w.wiki/5nDF
  • Wikimedia projects and citizen science (2018) https://w.wiki/5nDE
  • A wiki approach to collecting, curating and managing citizen science data (2018) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2560019
  • Wikimedia Projects and Citizen Science (2019) https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.3.34722

Bibliography about citizen science and OpenStreetMap

  • A. Sarretta, M. Minghini, M. Napolitano, A. Kotsev and P. Mooney, OpenStreetMap: an opportunity for Citizen Science, Collection of open conferences in research transport (2020). Vol. 2020, 85 URL https://www.scipedia.com/public/Sarretta_et_al_2020a