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My Name is Danielle, most of my friends call me Danie, I am currently enrolled in an English 102 course at Everett Community College. I have been working in the medical billing field for the last 20 years, and while it has been a great source of employment, allowing me to raise my kids, and enjoy a middle class lifestyle, I find that there has been something missing. I am missing a sense of fulfillment. It is great to know that you are billing for people's medical services, and helping alleviate some of the burden of medical cost, however, in billing land, there is no such thing as making everyone happy. Even when you have done all you can to reduce a patient's cost, they are never happy to receive a bill from you. On the flip side of that, the Dr. or corporation that you are working for, is never happy or satiated with the amount of money that you bring in each month. So, for me this has become a very thankless endeavor, and I have been searching for something with more self satisfaction. In recent events, I have had some pretty great kids come into my life. My kids are older now, which made me realize just how much I enjoy spending time with little ones. One day, I had a thought, what if I became a teacher of younger kids? I could have young kids in my life everyday, I could teach them, and learn from them. From there, it just continued growing, and I am now enrolled in school, currently seeking my AA transfer degree in Elementary education, so that I can later pursue a Bachelors degree at Western University in Elementary Education. From there I would love to teach either Kindergarten or First grade in a diverse community. I want to teach young children, from all cultures, religions, ethnic, and financial backgrounds. I feel that I can be a beneficial source of education and light for these kids, as well, as having the opportunity to learn from them in the process.

Note: The following essay was assigned so the students could practice their editing and also consider biases, which is part of their Wikipedia assignment. Shalor (Wiki Ed) (talk) 15:29, 16 January 2018 (UTC)

A Time I Learned To Like Something


I am an avid reader, ever since I was a small child I have been fascinated with books. I love the feel and texture of them, the smell of them, I just love books. I believe that I was in middle school the first time that I heard of the genre known as Historical Fiction. Remembering boring history classes, I immediately rolled my eyes, and thought, why would I spend my precious reading time, reading a historical fiction novel. I could think of nothing more boring. As in a recent article, we read in class from [1]s,"</ref> there was no real basis for this opinion, other than my past History class experiences, I had no other data to base my opinion. Over the years, many people had suggested reading material to me in the historical fiction genre and I would begrudgingly thank them, as I always thank others for their book suggestions, however, I would never even as pick up one of the books. Then, one day, a friend handed me a book by Kristin Hannah, she has been one of favorite authors for some time, so I was excited about a book that I had not read. The Book was The Nightingale, and it takes place in the 1940's in a little town in France, during World War II. I absolutely loved this book, and could not say enough good about it. Later, it was suggested by several people to read a series called The Outlander Series by Diana Gabaldon. After quite a bit of nudging, I agreed to read them, after all, since Kristin Hannah was one of my favorite author's she might well have just written a good book. I picked up the first Outlander book, and it started off slow, so I was thinking in my mind, here, we go, boring reading. However, by the middle of the book, I was completely and utterly attached to the book. Could not put it down. In fact since this day, I have read every book that is in the series, read the spin off series, and any book that was written by Diana Gabaldon. I now realize that historical fiction is kind of magical. It allows you to become a part of that time period, and brings more alive through the characters that you are reading. I believe that Historical Fiction has quickly become one of my favorite genres. In order for me to change my mind, it took me just being completely immersed in a good book from that genre. Once, I was involved in the books, there was no turning back. I had to be prodded by quite a few people with book recommendations in order to even pick one up. But in the end, I definitely changed my mind.

  1. ^ The New Yorker called "Why Facts Don't Change Our Mind