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Tourist Attraction


The Vatican State


As the Vatican is located in Italy, the main language of the Vatican state (or Vatican city) is Italian. Being the centre of the Roman Catholic faith, the Vatican houses some of the most beautiful masterpieces of art in places such as the Sistine Chapel. Besides the famous artwork, there are also wonderful gardens and much more to be seen through out the Vatican state. As of 1929 because of the Lateran Treaty,the Vatican is recognized as it's own independent state; which has a population of just over 800 people [1] as of July 2011. The Pope is not only the head of the Catholic religion, but the head of the state as well for the Vatican city.

The Vatican


The Vatican Is home to the current Pope Francis, and it is also currently the one papal state in existence. The Vatican was built during the year 326 A.D. As the population and housing continued to grow, the first palace was built during the 5th century under the reign of Pope Symmachus (498–514). The Vatican has since then grown to become the smallest know independent state in terms of both population and land size.[2] People are able to the Vatican's museums, and for a fee of about 15 to 19 euros, anyone is able to go inside and witness all of the architecture, as well as the variety of art that is store in the Vatican's museum. The number of people who come to see the Vatican's Museum has surpassed over five million people per year as of 2011.[3] Not only does the Vatican contain wonderful museums, they also have exotic gardens for those who wish to be away from the crowds of people that form in the building of the Vatican state. From the gardens, wonderful views of St. Peter's Basilica and the Vatican are able to been seen. [4]

Sistine Chapel


The Sistine Chapel is home to many pieces of art including statues, tapestries, paintings by Michelangelo Buonarroti and much more. One of the most famous attractions in the Sistine Chapel is the Creation of Adam painting, as well as the rest of the Sistine Chapels ceiling as done by Michelangelo between the years of 1508 and 1512. [5]It is truly a marvel to see; however, no picture taking is allowed inside of the Sistine Chapel. There is nothing to fear though. Online, the Vatican offers a 3D model for the inside of the Chapel. During the summer, approximately 20,000 people go through the Sistine Chapel per day. Unfortunately, due to the fact that tourists do not abide the rules of silence and no picture taking inside the chapel, there may be a limit on how many people are allowed to view the inside of the Sistine Chapel per day. [6]During the time where a new pope is to be decided, the Chapel attempts to prevent people from spreading pictures or other forms of information inside of the Chapel via mobile devices. The do this by having jamming devices [7] inside of the Sistine Chapel as an attempt to discourage people from using their smart phones and other mobile devices. This prevented information from being leaked about the Cardinals decision as to who the new pope will be.


  1. ^ (2012) Population. Retrieved 3 April 2013 http://www.vaticanstate.va/content/vaticanstate/en/stato-e-governo/note-generali/popolazione.html
  2. ^ Knight, Kevin. (2009)Pope St. Symmachus. retrieved 3 April 2013 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14377a.htm
  3. ^ Wooden, Cindy (2012)Number of Vatican Museums' visitors tops 5 million. retrieved 4 April 2013 http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/1200122.htm
  4. ^ (n.d.). Vatican Garden Tour. Retrieved April 4, 2013 http://www.rome-museum.com/vatican_gardens_tour.php
  5. ^ http://mv.vatican.va/3_EN/pages/CSN/CSN_Volta.html Retrieved 4 April 2013
  6. ^ Pullella, Philip (2012) Vatican may eventually limit Sistine Chapel visits. Retrieved 3 April 2013 http://www.reuters.com/article/2012/10/31/us-vatican-sistine-idUSBRE89U0XF20121031
  7. ^ Wright, David (2013) Vatican Preps Sistine Chapel With Jamming Device, Stove for White Smoke http://abcnews.go.com/International/vatican-preps-sistine-chapel-jamming-device-stove-white/story?id=18665371#.UV2NNqXU5SU Retrieved 3 April 2013

