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Hello there and welcome to my Wikipedia-User-Space/Page.

A little Info about Moi


I was born and raised in Germany and I have lived here ever since (well except for a year that i spent in Vienna). I try to improve my english everyday by watching every movie or TV-show in english. I hope I don´t make too many errors.

Wikipedia-Pages I "created"


Paul Amos -> the english and the german base-version. Whatever happened to it after January 10th 2013 is most likely out of my hands. Not that I won´t be watching those to Articles - but everyone is free to add and edit. I mean it was my first WikiPage ever!



I love Movies, Music, YouTube, TV-Shows and all those things. Other than that I study Psychology - so if one day I should find myself interested in a certain topic I will research it on here and see if I can add a few more things or maybe create a new Article. I also love to read - maybe one day I will write an Article about a book I read.



German & English



I don´t work for any company and I am not being paid for anything I write on here. I try to write as neutral as possible. Wikipedia-Articles are no place for opinions - it´s a place where people can come and read about things they are interested in or maybe have never heard about before but use Wikipedia as a starting point to get their first information.