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User:Dadanjani/Sikandar Khan Khoso

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Mir Sikandar Khan khoso(1912-1975) Poet,Politician and a wellknown Landlord of district Jacobabad.He was the youngest son of Bahadur khan khoso. Basically,he was a devout soofi who just after the death of his beloved brother Khan Sahib Shahal khan entered politics with a vision to serve humanity.He was a humble fellow who never kept his door closed for the poor people.Whenever he was needed he used to serve them with all his efforts.He introduced Mir dariya khan khoso into the politics and by defeating a political giant Mir Jaffar khan Jamali he proved his coin there. Mir Sikandar khan published his first book of soofi lyrics by the name of "Subh Mein Punhoon Paan" in 1973.

"Ishq munjhoon izhar thee ayo nehin karey nirwar thee ayo." These lyrics were composed into a "Qafi" by late Ustad Muhammad Juman back in 1974 on Radio Pakistan Hyderabad.