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User:DNOVAK25/Rock's Hollow/Rules

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Rules listed here are the basic primer for how Rock's Hollow plays.


  • Strength
  1. Cripple or infantile, barely able to hold your head up
  2. Childish or weak, can get around in life but can’t lift anything over 20 pounds
  3. Average, from a petite girl to a high school athlete
  4. Enormously strong, body builders or weight-lifters at their apex
  5. The peak of human capability
  • Agility
  1. Cripple or infantile, barely able to walk
  2. Slow, no fly catching even on your best day
  3. Average, from an out of shape teenager to a college baseball player
  4. Poetic, professional dancers, Olympic gymnasts
  5. Breath-taking, a walk across a room is an art-form
  • Reflexes
  1. Painfully slow, avoid busy streets
  2. Clumsy, always tripping and fumbling things
  3. Average, from slightly ungainly to a regular drummer
  4. Quick, professional boxers and .300 big league hitters
  5. Lightning, can fish with your bare hands, Jack Burton
  • Intuition
  1. Dumb as a post, can work your way through tying your shoes
  2. Simple, can work your way through long division if given enough time
  3. Average, from a D student to a doctorate
  4. Brilliant, master-class chess players, innovative scholars and scientists
  5. True genius, routinely devising ground-breaking concepts
  • Willpower
  1. Pathetic, addicted to every passing fad, unmovable as Jell-O
  2. Weak, buys a great deal of unnecessary stuff
  3. Average, from an insecure teenager to a tough-as-nails prosecutor
  4. Tenacious, will persevere through mental or physical pounding
  5. Iron, cannot be dissuaded or intimidated, will die before yielding
  • Perception
  1. Clueless, sometimes loses track of body parts
  2. Obtuse, much of life remains beyond your grasp
  3. Average, from slightly drunk to long range spotters
  4. Shar, the best professional snipers and analysts
  5. Uncanny, never misses a clue and always puts the pieces together correctly

Skill Ratings


What do the ratings of skills mean:

  1. Novice
  2. Decent /Amateur
  3. Solid / Good / Professional
  4. Exceptional/ Excellent / Expert / Ace
  5. Elite
  6. Legendary

Skill List

Skill Tied Attribute
Academia: Pick a field / degree* Intelligence
Animal Handling* Intelligence
Boats: Oars and Sails^ Perception
Boats: Motors Perception
Bows/Crossbows Agility
Computers: Hacking Intelligence
Computers: Programming Intelligence
Cryptography Intelligence
Demolitions^ Intelligence
Drive: Auto Agility
Drive: Bike Agility
Drive: Rigs and Semis Agility
Hand to Hand Special
Heavy Weapons: Flame Agility
Heavy Weapons: Grenade Launcher Agility
Investigation Perception
Language* Intelligence
Lock Picking Agility
Melee: Axes Agility
Melee: Chains/Whips Agility
Melee: Clubs/Batons^ Agility
Melee: Staffs/Spears Agility
Melee: Swords^ Agility
Navigation: Land^ Intelligence
Navigation: Sea^ Intelligence
Occult/Religion/Ritual Intelligence
Operate: Unique Equipment* Special
Pilot: Drones Reflexes
Pilot: Helicopters Reflexes
Pilot: Jets Reflexes
Pilot: Prop Planes Reflexes
Repair/Build/Trade Skill* AGI / INT
Ships Perception
Small Arms: Pistols^ Agility
Small Arms: Rifles^ Agility
Small Arms: Shotguns^ Agility
Small Arms: Sniping Practices Perception
Small Arms: Suppression Techniques Perception
Socialize* INT / PER
Stealth AGI / PER
Throw: Axe/Knife Agility
Throw: Lob Agility
Throw: Spear Agility
Tracking Perception
Vehicle Weapon Systems: Bombs/Missiles Agility
Vehicle Weapon Systems: Guns Reflexes
  • When two attributes are tied to a skill, use the lower of the two
  • *This skill covers an array of options, pick one
  • ^These skills have a like skill to default from


  1. Easy
  2. Routine
  3. Challenging
  4. Difficult
  5. Impossible
  6. Heroic

Tests (Using 2D6)


The difference between your skill (or in some cases, Attribute) determines what kind of test you make:

Easy: If your skill is higher than the difficulty you automatically succeed, or fail only on bad luck (roll of box cars)
Normal: If your skill is equal to the difficulty you succeed on a 7 or less
Hard: If your skill is one point lower than the difficulty you succeed on a 4 or less
Impossible: If your skill is more than one point lower than the difficulty you automatically fail, or can only succeed on Good Luck with GM fiat (roll of snake eyes)

Test Modifiers


When making tests, there are 2 types of modifiers, internal and external. Internal modifiers are directly related to the character/gear he has. External modifiers are directly related to the environment/target. Modifiers cause the difficulty to shift up or down in what are referred to as “steps”. There are half and full steps. When determining steps, half values are dropped off before the character rolls the test. It is important for the player to convey the internal modifiers they know to the GM. The GM will then apply additional unknown modifiers. Currently, Internal modifiers are capped at a Step of 2 (positive or negative). Attributes that are higher/lower than 3 cause a half Step per point of difference for their associated skills.