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User:DBD/ABCD/Archdeaconries of the Church of England

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Map of all geographical archdeaconries in the Church of England

Current archdeaconries

Diocese Map # Archdeaconry Foundation
Diocese of Newcastle 1 The Archdeaconry of Lindisfarne 1842
2 The Archdeaconry of Northumberland before 1127
Diocese of Carlisle 3 The Archdeaconry of Carlisle 1133
4 The Archdeaconry of West Cumberland 1959
5 The Archdeaconry of Westmorland and Furness 1847
Diocese of Durham 6 The Archdeaconry of Sunderland 1997
7 The Archdeaconry of Durham after 1122
8 The Archdeaconry of Auckland 1882
Diocese of Leeds 9 The Archdeaconry of Richmond and Craven before 1157
10 The Archdeaconry of Bradford 1921
11 The Archdeaconry of Leeds 1894
12 The Archdeaconry of Halifax 1888
13 The Archdeaconry of Pontefract
Diocese of York 14 The Archdeaconry of Cleveland before 1128
15 The Archdeaconry of the East Riding before 1093
16 The Archdeaconry of York before 1128
Diocese of Blackburn 17 The Archdeaconry of Lancaster 1847
18 The Archdeaconry of Blackburn 1877
Diocese of Manchester 19 The Archdeaconry of Bolton 1982
20 The Archdeaconry of Rochdale 1910
21 The Archdeaconry of Salford 2009
22 The Archdeaconry of Manchester 1843
Diocese of Liverpool 23 The Archdeaconry of Knowsley and Sefton 2015
24 The Archdeaconry of Wigan and West Lancashire
25 The Archdeaconry of St Helens and Warrington 1880
26 The Archdeaconry of Liverpool 1847
Diocese of Sheffield 27 The Archdeaconry of Doncaster 1913
28 The Archdeaconry of Sheffield and Rotherham 1884
Diocese of Lincoln 29 The Archdeaconry of Stow and Lindsey before 1092
30 The Archdeaconry of Lincoln
31 The Archdeaconry of Boston 2013
Diocese of Chester 32 The Archdeaconry of Macclesfield 1880
33 The Archdeaconry of Chester before 1135
Diocese of Derby 34 The Archdeaconry of Chesterfield 1910
35 The Archdeaconry of Derby before 1139
Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham 36 The Archdeaconry of Newark 1912
37 The Archdeaconry of Nottingham before 1128
Diocese of Lichfield 38 The Archdeaconry of Stoke 1877
39 The Archdeaconry of Salop before 1083
40 The Archdeaconry of Lichfield 1135
41 The Archdeaconry of Walsall 1997
Diocese of Norwich 42 The Archdeaconry of Lynn 1894
43 The Archdeaconry of Norfolk before 1127
44 The Archdeaconry of Norwich
Diocese of Leicester 45 The Archdeaconry of Leicester before 1092
46 The Archdeaconry of Loughborough 1921
Diocese of Ely 47 The Archdeaconry of Huntingdon and Wisbech before 1092
48 The Archdeaconry of Cambridge before 1106
Diocese of Peterborough 49 The Archdeaconry of Oakham 1875
50 The Archdeaconry of Northampton before 1092
Diocese of Hereford 51 The Archdeaconry of Ludlow before 1086
52 The Archdeaconry of Hereford before 1131
Diocese of Birmingham 53 The Archdeaconry of Aston 1906
54 The Archdeaconry of Birmingham 1892
Diocese of Coventry 55 The Archdeaconry of Coventry
(held by the Archdeacon Pastor)
after 1135
56 The Archdeaconry of Warwick
(held by the Archdeacon Missioner)
Diocese of Worcester 57 The Archdeaconry of Dudley 1921
58 The Archdeaconry of Worcester 1125
Diocese of St Edmundsbury
and Ipswich
59 The Archdeaconry of Sudbury before 1145
60 The Archdeaconry of Suffolk before 1119
61 The Archdeaconry of Ipswich 1931
no territory The Archdeacon for Rural Mission 2019
Diocese of St Albans 62 The Archdeaconry of Bedford before 1092
63 The Archdeaconry of Hertford 1997
64 The Archdeaconry of St Albans c. 1415
Diocese of Oxford 65 The Archdeaconry of Buckingham before 1092
66 The Archdeaconry of Dorchester 2014
67 The Archdeaconry of Oxford before 1092
68 The Archdeaconry of Berkshire before 1150
Diocese of Gloucester 69 The Archdeaconry of Cheltenham 1882
70 The Archdeaconry of Gloucester before 1143
Diocese of Chelmsford 71 The Archdeaconry of Stansted 2013
72 The Archdeaconry of Colchester before 1102
73 The Archdeaconry of Harlow 1993
74 The Archdeaconry of Chelmsford 1922
75 The Archdeaconry of Southend 2013
76 The Archdeaconry of West Ham before 1102
77 The Archdeaconry of Barking 2013
Diocese of London 78 The Archdeaconry of Hampstead 1912
79 The Archdeaconry of Northolt 1970
80 The Archdeaconry of Hackney 1951
81 The Archdeaconry of Charing Cross 1989
82 The Archdeaconry of Middlesex before 1102
83 The Archdeaconry of London before 1096
Diocese of Bristol 84 The Archdeaconry of Malmesbury 1904
85 The Archdeaconry of Bristol 1836
Diocese of Salisbury 86 The Archdeaconry of Wilts before 1139
87 The Archdeaconry of Sarum before 1133
88 The Archdeaconry of Sherborne 1916
89 The Archdeaconry of Dorset before 1139
Diocese of Bath and Wells 90 The Archdeaconry of Bath before 1100
91 The Archdeaconry of Wells before 1142
92 The Archdeaconry of Taunton
Diocese of Southwark 93 The Archdeaconry of Lewisham & Greenwich 1906
94 The Archdeaconry of Southwark 1878
95 The Archdeaconry of Lambeth 1986
96 The Archdeaconry of Wandsworth 1973
97 The Archdeaconry of Croydon 1930
98 The Archdeaconry of Reigate 1879
Diocese of Rochester 99 The Archdeaconry of Bromley & Bexley 1955
100 The Archdeaconry of Rochester before 1107
101 The Archdeaconry of Tonbridge 1906
Diocese of Guildford 102 The Archdeaconry of Dorking 1928
103 The Archdeaconry of Surrey before 1158
Diocese of Canterbury no territory Archdeacon (throughout diocese) and
 Senior Chaplain to the Bishop of Dover
104 The Archdeaconry of Maidstone 1841
105 The Archdeaconry of Canterbury before 1080
106 The Archdeaconry of Ashford 2011
Diocese of Winchester 107 The Archdeaconry of Winchester 1927
108 The Archdeaconry of Bournemouth before 1154
Diocese of Exeter 109 The Archdeaconry of Barnstaple before 1103
110 The Archdeaconry of Exeter before 1083
111 The Archdeaconry of Totnes before 1140
112 The Archdeaconry of Plymouth 1918
Diocese of Chichester 113 The Archdeaconry of Horsham 1975
114 The Archdeaconry of Hastings before 1164
115 The Archdeaconry of Brighton & Lewes 2014
116 The Archdeaconry of Chichester before 1157
Diocese of Portsmouth 117 The Archdeaconry of The Meon 1999
118 The Archdeaconry of Portsdown 1925
119 The Archdeaconry of the Isle of Wight 1871
Diocese of Truro 120 The Archdeaconry of Bodmin 1878
121 The Archdeaconry of Cornwall before 1086
Diocese of Sodor and Man not shown The Archdeaconry of Man before 1248
Diocese in Europe The Archdeaconry of Gibraltar 1842
The Archdeaconry of Italy and Malta
The Archdeaconry of the East 1935
The Archdeaconry of North West Europe 1977
The Archdeaconry of France 1979
The Archdeaconry of Switzerland
The Archdeaconry of Germany and Northern Europe 1980
Non-diocesan no territory Archdeacon of Westminster before 1246
Archdeacon of Prisons 1982
Archdeacon for the Army 1987
Archdeacon for the Royal Navy 1998
Archdeacon for the Royal Air Force 2006

Timeline of changes to and new archdeaconries

Year Events No. of archdeaconries at end of year
Ancient foundations (c. 1050–1250) Bath, Taunton and Wells in Bath & Wells Diocese; Canterbury in Canterbury Diocese; Chichester and Lewes in Chichester Diocese; Durham and Northumberland in Durham Diocese; Barnstaple, Cornwall, Exeter and Totnes in Exeter Diocese; Hereford and Shropshire in Hereford Diocese; Chester, Coventry, Derby, Salop and Stafford in Lichfield Diocese; Bedford, Buckingham, Ely, Huntingdon, Leicester, Lincoln, Northampton, Oxford and Stow in Lincoln Diocese; Colchester, Essex, London and Middlesex in London Diocese; Norfolk, Norwich, Sudbury and Suffolk in Norwich Diocese; Rochester in Rochester Diocese; Berkshire, Dorset, Salisbury and Wilts in Salisbury Diocese; Surrey and Winchester in Winchester Diocese; Gloucester and Worcester in Worcester Diocese; Cleveland, East Riding, Nottingham, Richmond and York in York Diocese; Anglesey, Bangor and Merioneth in Bangor Diocese; Llandaff in Llandaff Diocese; St Asaph in St Asaph Diocese; Brecon, Cardigan, Carmarthen and St Davids in St Davids Diocese 59
1109 Ely transferred from Lincoln to the new Ely Diocese
1133 Carlisle created in new Carlisle Diocese (from parts of Durham and York Dioceses)
pre-1246 Westminster created (unique title within Westminster Abbey) 60
pre-1248 Man created in Sodor & Man Diocese 61
c. 1415 St Albans created in London Diocese 62
1540 Middlesex transferred from London to the new Westminster Diocese
1541 Chester and Richmond transferred from Lichfield and York respectively to the new Chester Diocese; Northampton transferred from Lincoln to the new Peterborough Diocese; Gloucester transferred from Worcester to the new Gloucester Diocese
1542 Dorset transferred from Salisbury to the new Bristol Diocese
1546 Oxford transferred from Lincoln to the new Oxford Diocese
1550 Westminster Diocese abolished and Middlesex transferred back to London Diocese
1836 Dorset transferred from Bristol to Salisbury Diocese; remaining areas of Bristol Diocese merge with Gloucester Diocese (including Gloucester archdeaconry) to form the new Bristol & Gloucester Diocese; Bristol created in Bristol & Gloucester Diocese; Berkshire transferred from Salisbury to Oxford Diocese; Richmond transferred from Chester to the new Ripon Diocese; Craven created in Ripon Diocese 64
1837 Bedford and Huntingdon transferred from Lincoln to Ely Diocese; Sudbury transferred from Norwich to Ely Diocese; Coventry transferred from Lichfield to Worcester Diocese; Buckingham transferred from Lincoln to Oxford Diocese; Nottingham transferred from York to Lincoln Diocese
1839 Leicester transferred from Lincoln to Peterborough Diocese
1841 Maidstone created in Canterbury Diocese 65
1842 Lindisfarne created in Durham Diocese; Gibraltar and Malta created in new Gibraltar Diocese (from areas previously under the jurisdiction of the Bishop of London) 68
1843 Manchester created in Chester Diocese; Salisbury becomes known as Sarum 69
1844 Monmouth created in Llandaff Diocese; Montgomery created in St Asaph Diocese; Anglesey (Bangor Diocese) discontinued; Bangor (Bangor Diocese) renamed Bangor & Anglesey 70
1846 Colchester, Essex and St Albans transferred from London to Rochester Diocese
1847 Manchester transferred from Chester to the new Manchester Diocese; Lancaster created in Manchester Diocese (though not filled until 1870); Liverpool and Westmorland created in Chester Diocese (though latter not filled until 1856) 73
1856 Westmorland transferred from Chester to Carlisle Diocese
1871 Isle of Wight created in Winchester Diocese 74
1875 Oakham created in Peterborough Diocese 75
1876 Cornwall transferred from Exeter to the new Truro Diocese; Shropshire (Hereford Diocese) renamed Ludlow
1877 Colchester, Essex and St Albans transferred from Rochester to the new St Albans Diocese; Stoke created in Lichfield Diocese; Blackburn created in Manchester Diocese 77
1878 Bodmin created in Truro Diocese; Southwark created in Rochester Diocese (from areas transferred from Winchester & London dioceses in 1877) 79
1879 Kingston created in Rochester Diocese 80
1880 Liverpool transferred from Chester to the new Liverpool Diocese; Warrington created in Liverpool Diocese; Macclesfield created in Chester Diocese 82
1882 Lindisfarne and Northumberland transferred from Durham to the new Newcastle Diocese; Cirencester created in Bristol & Gloucester Diocese; Auckland created in Durham Diocese 84
1884 Derby and Nottingham transferred from Lincoln to the new Southwell Diocese; Sheffield created in York Diocese; Furness created in Carlisle Diocese 86
1888 Halifax and Huddersfield created in new Wakefield Diocese (from parts of Ripon Diocese) 88
1890 Wrexham created in St Asaph Diocese 89
1892 Birmingham created in Worcester Diocese 90
1894 Ripon created in Ripon Diocese; Lynn created in Norwich Diocese 92
1897 Bristol & Gloucester Diocese split; Bristol transferred to the new Bristol Diocese; Cirencester and Gloucester transferred to the new Gloucester Diocese
1904 North Wilts created in Bristol Diocese 93
1905 Southwark and Kingston transferred from Rochester to the new Southwark Diocese; Birmingham transferred from Worcester to the new Birmingham Diocese
1906 Lewisham created in Southwark Diocese; Aston created in Birmingham Diocese; Tonbridge created in Rochester Diocese 96
1910 Rochdale created in Manchester Diocese; Chesterfield created in Southwell Diocese; Warwick created in Worcester Diocese 98
1912 Hampstead created in London Diocese; Hastings created in Chichester Diocese; Newark created in Southwell Diocese 102
1913 Doncaster created in York Diocese 103
1914 Essex and Colchester transferred from St Albans to the new Chelmsford Diocese; Sudbury and Suffolk transferred from Ely and Norwich respectively to the new St Edmundsbury & Ipswich Diocese; Bedford transferred from Ely to St Albans Diocese; Sheffield and Doncaster transferred from York to the new Sheffield Diocese
1915 Wisbech created in Ely Diocese 104
1916 Sherborne created in Salisbury Diocese 105
1918 Coventry and Warwick transferred from Worcester to the new Coventry Diocese; Plymouth created in Exeter Diocese 106
1919 Craven transferred from Ripon to the new Bradford Diocese; Cirencester (Gloucester Diocese) renamed Cheltenham; North Wilts (Bristol Diocese) renamed Swindon .
1920 All Welsh archdeaconries transferred to the Church in Wales 95
1921 Dudley created in Worcester Diocese; Bradford created in Bradford Diocese; Loughborough created in Peterborough Diocese; Ripon (Ripon Diocese) moved to Leeds 98
1922 Southend created in Chelmsford Diocese; Essex (Chelmsford Diocese) renamed West Ham 99
1925 Portsmouth created in Winchester Diocese 100
1926 Blackburn and Lancaster transferred from Manchester to the new Blackburn Diocese; Leicester and Loughborough transferred from Peterborough to the new Leicester Diocese
1927 Isle of Wight and Portsmouth transferred from Winchester to the new Portsmouth Diocese; Surrey transferred from Winchester to the new Guildford Diocese; Chesterfield and Derby transferred from Southwell to the new Derby Diocese; Halifax and Huddersfield (Wakefield Diocese) moved to Pontefract and Halifax respectively; Basingstoke created in Winchester Diocese 101
1928 Dorking created in Guildford Diocese 102
1930 Croydon created in Canterbury Diocese 103
1931 Ipswich created in St Edmundsbury & Ipswich Diocese 104
1933 Lindsey created in Lincoln Diocese 105
1935 The Aegean created in Gibraltar Diocese 106
1951 Hackney created in London Diocese 107
1955 Bromley created in Rochester Diocese 108
1959 Furness (Carlisle Diocese) discontinued; Westmorland (Carlisle Diocese) renamed Westmorland & Furness; West Cumberland created in Carlisle Diocese 108
1970 Northolt created in London Diocese 109
1972 Riviera created in Gibraltar Diocese 110
1973 Wandsworth created in Southwark Diocese 111
1975 Hastings (Chichester Diocese) discontinued; Lewes (Chichester Diocese) renamed Lewes & Hastings; Horsham created in Chichester Diocese 111
1977 Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands created in Gibraltar Diocese 112
1979 Northern France and Switzerland created in Gibraltar Diocese 114
1980 Stafford (Lichfield Diocese) moved to Lichfield; Gibraltar Diocese renamed Diocese in Europe; Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands (Diocese in Europe) renamed North-West Europe; Scandinavia created in Gibraltar Diocese 115
1982 Bolton created in Manchester Diocese; Prisons created 117
1985 Croydon transferred from Canterbury to Southwark Diocese
1986 Kingston (Southwark Diocese) moved to Reigate; Lambeth created in Southwark Diocese 118
1987 Army created 119
1989 Charing Cross created in London Diocese 120
1993 Harlow created in Chelmsford Diocese 121
1994 Lindsey (Lincoln Diocese) discontinued; Stow (Lincoln Diocese) renamed Stow & Lindsey; The Aegean (Diocese in Europe) renamed Eastern 120
1995 Riviera (Diocese in Europe) discontinued 119
1997 Hertford created in St Albans Diocese; Sunderland created in Durham Diocese; Walsall created in Lichfield Diocese; Malta (Diocese in Europe) renamed Italy & Malta; Northern France (Diocese in Europe) renamed France 122
1998 Royal Navy created 123
1999 Portsmouth (Portsmouth Diocese) split into Portsdown and The Meon; Sheffield (Sheffield Diocese) renamed Sheffield & Rotherham; Swindon (Bristol Diocese) renamed Malmesbury; Ripon Diocese renamed Ripon & Leeds 124
2000 Winchester and Basingstoke (Winchester Diocese) moved to Bournemouth and Winchester respectively
2002 Bromley (Rochester Diocese) renamed Bromley & Bexley
2005 Wisbech (Ely Diocese) discontinued; Huntingdon and Ely (Ely Diocese) renamed Huntingdon & Wisbech and Cambridge respectively; Southwell Diocese renamed Southwell & Nottingham; Scandinavia (Diocese in Europe) renamed Germany & Northern Europe 123
2006 Royal Air Force created 124
2008 Lewisham (Southwark Diocese) renamed Lewisham & Greenwich
2009 Salford created in Manchester Diocese 125
2011 Ashford created in Canterbury Diocese 126
2013 Southend (Chelmsford Diocese) moved to Chelmsford; Barking, Southend and Stansted created in Chelmsford Diocese; Boston created in Lincoln Diocese 130
2014 All archdeaconries within the abolished dioceses of Ripon & Leeds, Bradford and Wakefield (Bradford, Craven, Halifax, Leeds, Pontefract, Richmond) moved to new merged Leeds Diocese; Craven (Leeds Diocese) discontinued; Richmond (Leeds Diocese) renamed Richmond & Craven; Dorchester created in Oxford Diocese; Lewes & Hastings (Chichester Diocese) renamed Hastings; Brighton & Lewes created in Chichester Diocese; Generous Giving & Stewardship created in York Diocese 132
2015 Knowsley & Sefton and Wigan & West Lancashire created in Liverpool Diocese; Warrington (Liverpool Diocese) renamed St Helens & Warrington; Mission Resources created in Leeds Diocese 135
2016 Mission Resources (Leeds Diocese) discontinued 134
2017 Generous Giving & Stewardship (York Diocese) discontinued 133
2019 Rural Mission created in St Edmundsbury & Ipswich Diocese 134
2022 Derby and Chesterfield (Derby Diocese) discontinued; Derby City and South Derbyshire, East Derbyshire and Derbyshire Peak and Dales created in Derby Diocese 135
2024 (date TBC) Wigan & West Lancashire (Liverpool Diocese) discontinued 134