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Hey there 👋,

I am Irene (she/her), you can also call me Cheng, which is my Chinese name, I'm commonly known as cydia2020 on various social media and coding platforms. I mainly use Wikipedia to feed my autistic brain with an absurd amount of useless information; I apologise for my lack of contribution here as my knowledge is fairly limited across the board.


My cultural backgrounds
This user comes from Australia.
This user comes from Melbourne.
This user wishes constantly and desperately
to be recognised as a British citizen by
His Majesty, King Charles III.
This user is a descendant of Shennong and Huang Di.
This user lives on Aboriginal land that was stolen, not ceded.
My languages
en-4This user can contribute with a near-native level of English.
abcThs usre haz verry goode spelng.
OEDThis user uses Oxford spelling.
This user uses Traditional Chinese characters.
This user thinks that the beauty of Chinese characters is ruined by simplifying them.
My beliefs
This user supports trans rights.
This user supports both straight and gay marriages, and is against any restrictions on who can marry.
This user supports strict gun control, possibly including an outright ban on the civilian ownership of guns.
This user respects women and rejects any violence against women.
This user supports Julian Assange and Wikileaks.
This user supports stem cell research.
My 1st preference
This user supports the Australian Greens.